Property Rights Musterklauseln

Property Rights. 10.1 Der Auftragnehmer steht dafür ein, dass die vertragsgemäße Verwendung der Liefergegenstände Schutzrechte Dritter nicht verletzt. Dem Auftragnehmer ist die vorgesehene Nutzung der Liefergegen- stände durch den Auftraggeber bekannt. Sobald der Auftragnehmer erkennt, dass die Nutzung seiner Lieferungen und Leis- tungen dazu führt, dass fremde Schutz- rechtsanmeldungen oder Schutzrechte
Property Rights. 00.0.Xx is the Supplier’s responsibility to ensure that if the delivered goods are used in accordance with the provisions, no patents, licenses or other copyrights or protection rights inside the country or abroad are infringed. 15.2.The Supplier indemnifies us from any claims of third parties which nevertheless exist or arise. The statute of limitations is 10 years, calculated from the end of the contract. 15.3.The Supplier transfers to Nattermann & Cie. GmbH the exclusive, temporally unrestricted right to publication, distribution, reproduction, processing and other use of all ideas, concepts, drafts and designs produced by the Supplier and ordered by us. The rights granted above extend to all types of use, especially including print advertising such as multimedia applications (website, Print-On-Demand, e-book, online publishing). The transfer of rights in this provision expressly includes the right to further transfer to third parties. The Supplier is obligated to inform Xxxxxxxxxx & Cie. GmbH immediately of any inventions that are made. The Supplier is obligated to take all necessary steps to transfer the rights to Nattermann & Cie. GmbH. 15.4.The acquisition of the aforementioned rights is compensated with reimbursement according to the respective task.
Property Rights. 16.1 The supplier warrants that Röchling or cus- tomers of Röchling shall not infringe any in- tellectual property rights of third parties, in- cluding rights to trademarks, company names, use of names, patents, utility models, design patents, get-up, designs or copyrights of third parties (including corresponding pending property rights) (“Property Rights”) by purchasing, possessing, offering, using, processing or reselling the Parts in the sup- plier’s country of origin or in the Federal Re- public of Germany, other European coun- tries, the USA, Canada, Mexico, South Ko- rea, China, Japan or Thailand. If the supplier culpably breaches this obligation, it shall in- demnify Röchling and its customers against all claims of third parties arising as a result of such actual or alleged infringements of Prop- erty Rights and shall bear all costs and ex- penses that Röchling incurs in this connec- tion, including prosecution and defense costs on the one hand and costs resulting from compliance with a potential obligation to de- sist on the other.
Property Rights. 17.1 The Supplier warrants that in connection with delivery/performance, no third party rights are breached and delivery/performance is not subject to any third party rights. 17.2 In case the aforementioned rights do exist, the Supplier must pay for any damage caused to TT with regard to such third party rights irrespective of the Supplier's or TT's knowledge of such rights. The Supplier is further obliged to indemnify TT from third party claims arising out of intellectual property rights. 18.
Property Rights. 8.1 Supplier warrants that no third-party property rights are infringed in countries within the European Union, in North America or other countries in which the Supplier manufactures its products or to which it distributes them.
Property Rights. 1. We shall only be liable for claims arising from the infringement of industrial property rights and copyrights if the industrial property right or copyright is not or was not in the property of the purchaser or of a company in which the purchaser holds a direct or indirect majority of the capital or voting rights, the purchaser informs us immediately of any risks of infringement that become known to us and of any alleged cases of infringement and, at our request, leaves the conduct of legal disputes (also out of court) to us - insofar as possible - and, in the case of industrial property rights, at least one industrial property right from the family of industrial property rights has been published either by the European Patent Office or in one of the countries of the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Great Britain, Austria or the USA.
Property Rights. 3.1. The providing party reserves the commercial property rights to Information, irrespective of whether or not the property rights have already been applied for.
Property Rights. The PLATFORM, including the web layout, source codes, software as well as the content available on the PLATFORM (e.g. videos, images, graphics, text and files) („PROTECTED CONTENT“) may be subject to pro- perty rights, (industrial) property rights (e.g. trade- mark and copyright) and other rights of INNOVESTMENT or the respective author, creator, producer or other rights holder who has provided such PROTECTED CONTENT. Unless otherwise expressly agreed or regulated by law, protected content may only be used in accordance with these GTC. Any complete or partial reproduction, modification, removal or redesign of protected content requires the prior written consent of the respective rights holder. The legal regulations on permitted use (e.g. reproduc- tion for private and other personal use within the meaning of the Copyright Act) remain unaffected.
Property Rights. 14.1 The supplier warrants that Röchling or cus- tomers of Röchling shall not infringe any in- tellectual property rights of third parties, in- cluding rights to trademarks, company names, use of names, patents, utility models, design patents, get-up, designs or copyrights of third parties (including corresponding pending property rights) (“Property Rights”) by purchasing, possessing, offering, using, processing or reselling the products in the supplier’s country of origin or in the Federal Republic of Germany, other European coun- tries, the USA, Canada, Mexico, South Ko- rea, China, Japan or Thailand, where these rights are relevant in the context of purchas- ing the products. If the supplier culpably breaches this obligation, it shall indemnify Röchling and its customers against all claims of third parties arising as a result of such ac- tual or alleged infringements of Property Rights and shall bear all costs and expenses that Röchling incurs in this connection, in- cluding prosecution and defense costs on the one hand and costs resulting from compli- ance with a potential obligation to desist on the other.
Property Rights. 13.1 If parts are provided by the company for the production at the supplier´s, and / or drawings, designs, models, tools, test Vertragsgegenstände frei von gewerblichen Schutzrechten, Urheberrechten, oder sonstigen Rechten Dritter verschafft, die die Gesellschaft und deren Kunden in der bestimmungsgemäßen Nutzung und Verarbeitung der Vertragsgegenstände ausschließen, beeinträchtigen oder einschränken.