Withdrawal Musterklauseln

Withdrawal a) If the Supplier is in default with the delivery or repair as described in Section 11.c) and after an appropriate grace period granted has expired without results, SCHOTT is entitled to withdraw from the contract and reject delivery without having to bear any costs.
Withdrawal. Any registration confirmed shall be binding. Withdrawal shall be possible up to six (6) weeks prior to the start of the event, subject to a charge of 50% of the meeting fee. Thereafter, the full participation fee shall become due. Bookings shall be transferable. Any withdrawals and rebookings shall be communicated to DGZfP in writing.
Withdrawal. Cancellation by the exhibitor is possible for all additional services/marketing services - booked in addition to the basic package - up to 180 calendar days before the start of the trade fair. In cases of effective withdrawal, the organiser will charge a cancellation fee of €75 per additional package. Production costs already incurred at the time of cancellation shall be borne by the exhibitor. If the exhibitor withdraws from the contract at a later date, he will be charged full price. Cancellation of the contract requires written notice from the exhibitor to the organiser.
Withdrawal. If bankruptcy, court composition or preliminary proceedings are opened on the assets of our contract partner or are rejected for lack of assets, then we have the right to withdraw from the contract without setting a period of grace.
Withdrawal. The policyholder can withdraw from the contract in writing within 14 days after receiving the insurance policy. If the duration of the contract is less than 6 months, no right of withdrawal exists. If the contract was concluded by way of distance selling, the right of withdrawal exists only for contracts with a duration of more than one month. Cancellation cover
Withdrawal. No Partner shall voluntarily withdraw from the Partnership. The Partnership may be dissolved, liquidated and terminated pursuant to and only pursuant to the provisions of this Article X, and the parties hereto do hereby irrevocably waive any and all other rights they may have to cause a dissolution of the Partnership or a sale or partition of any or all of the Partnership’s assets. The parties hereto do hereby covenant and agree that, except as otherwise provided in this Article X, the admission to the Partnership of a Substituted Limited Partner pursuant to the provisions of Article IX shall not cause the Partnership to be dissolved, liquidated or terminated. The following and only the following events shall cause the Partnership to be dissolved, liquidated and terminated:
Withdrawal. If the pre-contractual duty of disclosure is breached, we may withdraw from the contract. Kein Rücktrittsrecht besteht, wenn – weder eine vorsätzliche, – noch eine grob fahrlässige Anzeigepflichtverletzung vorliegt. Auch wenn die Anzeigepflicht grob fahrlässig verletzt wird, haben wir trotzdem kein Rück- trittsrecht, wenn wir den Vertrag – möglich- erweise zu anderen Bedingungen (z. X. xxx- erer Beitrag oder eingeschränkter Versicher- ungsschutz) – auch bei Kenntnis der nicht an-gezeigten gefahrerheblichen Umstände geschlossen hätten. Im Fall des Rücktritts haben Sie keinen Versicherungsschutz. Wenn wir nach Eintritt des Versicherungsfalls zurücktreten, bleibt unsere Leistungspflicht unter folgender Voraussetzung bestehen: Die Verletzung der Anzeigepflicht bezieht sich auf einen gefahrerheblichen Umstand, der – weder für den Eintritt oder die Feststellung des Versicherungsfalls, – noch für die Feststellung oder den Umfang unserer Leistungspflicht ursächlich war. Wird die Anzeigepflicht arglistig verletzt, sind wir nicht zu Leistungen verpflichtet.
Withdrawal. If applicants who have registered for a course are unable to attend for good cause, they are free to withdraw their registration up to forty-eight (48) hours before the course is set to commence without any action being taken. - Withdrawals must be sent by e-mail to the respective organiser. - Withdrawals submitted any later shall be deemed to be unauthorised absence unless the applicant has been taken ill. - If the applicant withdraws due to illness, a doctor’s certificate must be presented to the organiser within five working days of the withdrawal. - Unauthorised absence will be classified as non-regular attendance (see Section 3.4).
Withdrawal. TCG shall have the right to withdraw from the contract in whole or in part without any resulting claims whatsoever for the supplier, ◻ if one of its customers, due to a change in model, other design-related changes or other changes for which TCG or the supplier is not responsible, withdraws from the order it has placed with TCG or reduces the size of the order. ◻ if the contractually agreed quality standards are continually not met by the supplier. ◻ if insolvency proceedings are opened for the assets of the supplier or those of its upstream suppliers.
Withdrawal. In the case of non-availability for the aforementioned reasons cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH may withdraw from the contract. cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH shall undertake to inform the customer immediately about the non-availability and refund him any already paid consideration without delay. P.O. Box address deliveries are excluded. Should the customer fall into default of acceptance with regard to the ordered goods, cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH is entitled, after setting an appropriate period of grace, to withdraw from the contract and to claim payment of damages for default or non-performance. During the default of acceptance the customer bears the risk of accidental loss or accidental deterioration. This does not apply in the event that the customer exercises his statutory right of revocation by non-acceptance of the goods. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, cyber-Wear shall deliver within 5 days. In the case of payment in advance the delivery period shall commence on the day after the order for payment has been issued to the paying bank or in the case of cash on delivery or payment by invoice on the day after conclusion of the contract. The period of performance shall end on the following fifth day. If the last day of the performance period falls on a Saturday, Sunday or on a general officially recognised public holiday at the place of performance, the performance period shall end on the next working day. In the case of orders from entrepreneurs, we reserve the right to provide a technical over- and under-delivery of up to 10%. A calculation is made in the amount of the quantity actually delivered. All prices are inclusive of the value added tax applicable at the time of delivery and exclusive of packaging and dispatch costs, which are listed separately. The customer is in default with a payment if the payment is not received by cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH within two weeks after receipt of the invoice. In case of default of payment interest of 5 percentage points above the base rate of the European Central Bank or 8% above the base rate of the European Central Bank in the case of legal transactions in which no consumer is involved shall be charged. Should the customer default on his payments cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH reserves the right to charge dunning fees of € 5.00. The right to claim any further damages shall remain unaffected. The customer still has the possibility of proving that cyber-Wear Heidelberg GmbH incurred lesser or no damage. The customer is o...