Alternative teacher preparation program definition

Alternative teacher preparation program means a program
Alternative teacher preparation program means a sequence of courses established by a county board and approved by the State Superintendent that leads to a participant receiving a resident teacher certificate issued by the Department and includes teaching assignments with supervision and mentoring by a qualified teacher.
Alternative teacher preparation program means an alternative teacher preparation program under section 122A.245, subdivision 2, or an experimental teacher preparation program under section 122A.09, subdivision 10.

Examples of Alternative teacher preparation program in a sentence

  • Alternative teacher preparation program – a teacher licensure program for teachers who have already earned a minimum of a bachelor‟s degree in a non-education field, and now desire to become educators.

More Definitions of Alternative teacher preparation program

Alternative teacher preparation program means a program established by a county board and approved by the State Superintendent that:
Alternative teacher preparation program means a sequence of courses established by a county board, an institution of higher education, or a nonprofit organization and approved by the State Superintendent that leads to a participant receiving a [resident teacher certificate] Resident Teacher License issued by the Department and includes teaching assignments with supervision and mentoring by a qualified teacher.
Alternative teacher preparation program means an alternative teacher preparation program under section 122A.245, subdivision 2, or an experimental teacher preparation program under section 122A.09, subdivision 10.“Program” means a teacher preparation curriculum leading to specific licensure areas.“Shortage area” means both licensure fields and economic development regions experiencing a teacher shortage and economic development regions where there is a shortage of teachers of color.“Unit” means an institution or subdivision of an institution that oversees teacher preparation programs.Subd. 2. Establishment; eligibility. Establishes a grant program for alternative teacher programs that fill teacher shortage areas.Subd. 3. Use of grants. Allows grants to be used in specific ways.Subd. 4. Report. Requires grant recipients to report on ability to fill shortage areas. 12 Teacher shortage loan forgiveness program definitions. Adds economic development regions where there is a shortage of teachers of color to definition ofteacher shortage area.” 13 Teacher shortage loan forgiveness program administration. Expands teacher shortage loan forgiveness program eligibility to include teachers of color. 14 Teacher shortage loan forgiveness program reporting. Expands reporting requirement to include information on the race or ethnicity of teachers participating in the program. 15 Statewide concurrent enrollment teacher training program. Expands Northwest Regional Partnership Program to other voluntary associations and teachers throughout Minnesota.Subd. 1. Definitions. Defines terms used in program, including:“State Partnership” means a voluntary association of the Northwest Regional Partnership and the Metropolitan Educational Cooperative Service Unit.Subd. 2. Establishment. Allows the State Partnership to contract with a postsecondary institution to establish a continuing education credit program to allow teachers that teach concurrent enrollment classes to earn graduate credits.Subd. 3. Curriculum development. Requires the program to use flexible delivery models and post information about the curriculum.Subd. 4. Funding for course development; scholarships; stipends. Requires State Partnership to provide funding for course development for up to 18 credits in subject areas, provide scholarships to teachers to enroll in the courses, and develop criteria to award educator stipends to incentivize participating in the program.Subd. 6. Private funding. Provides that partnerships may receive private resources to ...
Alternative teacher preparation program means a preparation program under Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.245, subdivision 2, or a preparation program under Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.09, subdivision 10.
Alternative teacher preparation program means an alternative teacher preparation
Alternative teacher preparation program means a [program provided by any public, nonpublic or private educational association, local school system, corporation or institution that includes coursework, assessment, clinical experiences and training, and, upon completion, renders candidates eligible for licensure in Maryland, but does not confer a degree.]program established by a county board and approved by the state superintendent that leads to a participant receiving a resident teacher certificate issued by the department and includes teaching assignments with supervision and mentoring by a qualified teacher.

Related to Alternative teacher preparation program

  • Program Parameter means, in respect of a program, the provincial standards (such as operational, financial or service standards and policies, operating manuals and program eligibility), directives, guidelines and expectations and requirements for that program;

  • Program change means any elimination, curtailment, or reorganization of a curriculum offering, program, or school operation or a reorganization or consolidation of two or more individual schools or school districts that is unrelated to financial exigency.

  • Individualized Education Program (IEP means a written statement for a student with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised in accordance with the Utah Special Education Rules and Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).