Amended Period definition
Examples of Amended Period in a sentence
The contract is hereby amended as follows: (Check and complete all that apply.) ☐ Amended Period Original Start Date: Click or tap to enter a date.
Lee Smith, entitled Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20230, telephone: (202) 482–0162 or(202) 482–0408, respectively.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:BackgroundOn December 19, 2014, Commerce signed an agreement under section 704(c) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (the Act), with the GOM,‘‘Administrative Review of the Agreement Suspending the Countervailing Duty Investigation on Sugar from Mexico, as Amended: Period of Review’’ (April 19, 2018).
This contract amendment has been reviewed for the Department by: Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Contract Grant Specialist The contract is hereby amended as follows: (Check and complete all that apply) Amended Period: Original Start Date: 3/26/2021 Current End Date: 3/31/2022 Amendment Start Date: 4/1/2022 New End Date: 3/31/2023 Reason: Utilize first available one-year extension Cost Schedule: The contracted cost schedule will remain at the current rates.
The new warrants replace the previous 3,750,000 warrants, which granted a right to one share each, at an exercise price of US$ 1.92, maturing on January 31, 2017.
Xxx Xxxxx, entitled “Administrative Review of the Agreement Suspending the Antidumping Duty Investigation on Sugar from Mexico, as Amended: Period of Review” (April 19, 2018).