Examples of Balancing Charges in a sentence
The Company shall allow Customer's daily demand to inadvertently vary from daily scheduled deliveries by +/-4.5% without imposing Daily Balancing Charges, provided the total daily quantity taken does not exceed Customer's Daily Firm Requirement, MDQ or otherwise specified contract demand limit.
Such aggregated pool quantity of gas shall be considered as one volume for the calculation of Balancing Charges set out in the Company Balancing Service provisions under this Rate Schedule, except as defined during a Critical Overtake Day or Critical Undertake Day.
Customers or Pool Operators will be subject to the Balancing Charges for all no-notice injections into the balancing account and no-notice withdrawals from the balancing account in accordance with the Balancing Charge set out in the Rates provision below.
Balancing Charges, including of balance capacity charges and daily balancing charges are credited to customers under Rider 170 – Gas Cost Adjustment (GCA) Rider.
Gas Balancing Charges are set out in Schedule 3 together with the conditions relating to Gas Balancing.
Such aggregated pool quantity of gas shall be considered as one volume for the calculation of Balancing Charges set out in the Company Balancing Service provisions xxxxxx this Rate Schedule, except as defined during a Critical Overtake Day or Critical Undertake Day.
Charges Payable as an OBA Party In respect of any Delivery Point at which an OBA applies, the Interconnected Party shall pay all Balancing Charges (less any Balancing Credits), Daily Overrun Charges, Underrun Charges and Hourly Overrun Charges determined by First Gas in accordance with the Code.
Such Interruptible Balancing Charges shall be calculated by multiplying the Interruptible Balancing Charge rate in effect on the termination date of the applicable Exhibit B to Customer's Hub Services Agreement by the quantity of Gas sold at auction.
The Company shall allow Customer's daily demand to inadvertently vary from daily scheduled deliveries by +/-2.5% without imposing Daily Balancing Charges, provided the total daily quantity taken does not exceed Customer's Daily Firm Requirement, MDQ or otherwise specified contract demand limit.
Balancing Charges shall, subject to 4.6 be calculated and made in accordance with this section 4.3.