Behavior Support definition
Examples of Behavior Support in a sentence
Behavior Support Plan (BSP) is a written document that identifies the motivation for chronic misbehavior and what steps will be taken in order to help a student overcome inappropriate behavior.
Behavior Support Plan (BSP) is a written document that identifies the cause of repeated misconduct and what steps will be taken in order to help a student overcome inappropriate behavior.
Used to address an individual's challenging behavior, the safeguarding intervention or safeguarding equipment is included in the individual's Positive Behavior Support Plan written by a qualified behavior professional as described in OAR 411-304-0150 and implemented consistent with the individual's Positive Behavior Support Plan.
Examples included individuals in their homes and day/vocational settings, mealtimes, medication passes, Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP) and skill acquisition plan implementation, Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) meetings, psychiatry clinics, and so forth.e. Interviews – The Monitoring Teams interviewed a number of staff, individuals, clinicians, and managers.f. Monitoring Report – The monitoring report details each of the various outcomes and indicators that comprise each Domain.
For the purpose of this rule, a designated person is the person implementing the behavior supports identified in a child's Positive Behavior Support Plan.