Behavior Support definition

Behavior Support means the services consistent with positive behavioral theory and practice that are delivered in accordance with a Behavior Support Plan to assist with behavioral challenges due to the intellectual or developmental disability of a child that prevents the child from accomplishing activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, health-related tasks, and provides cognitive supports to mitigate behavior. Behavior supports are provided in the home or community.
Behavior Support means those principles and methods employed by a provider to help a child achieve positive behavior and to address and correct a child's inappropriate behavior in a constructive and safe manner in accordance with written policies and procedures governing program expectations, treatment goals, child and staff safety and security, and the child's individualized service plan.
Behavior Support means those principles and methods employed by a provider to help a child or youth achieve positive behavior and to address and correct a child's or youth's inappropriate behavior in a constructive and safe manner in accordance with goals of the child's or youth's service or treatment plan and the safety of the child or youth and others.

Examples of Behavior Support in a sentence

  • Behavior Support Plan (BSP) is a written document that identifies the motivation for chronic misbehavior and what steps will be taken in order to help a student overcome inappropriate behavior.

  • Behavior Support Plan (BSP) is a written document that identifies the cause of repeated misconduct and what steps will be taken in order to help a student overcome inappropriate behavior.

  • Used to address an individual's challenging behavior, the safeguarding intervention or safeguarding equipment is included in the individual's Positive Behavior Support Plan written by a qualified behavior professional as described in OAR 411-304-0150 and implemented consistent with the individual's Positive Behavior Support Plan.

  • Examples included individuals in their homes and day/vocational settings, mealtimes, medication passes, Positive Behavior Support Plan (PBSP) and skill acquisition plan implementation, Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) meetings, psychiatry clinics, and so forth.e. Interviews – The Monitoring Teams interviewed a number of staff, individuals, clinicians, and managers.f. Monitoring Report – The monitoring report details each of the various outcomes and indicators that comprise each Domain.

  • For the purpose of this rule, a designated person is the person implementing the behavior supports identified in a child's Positive Behavior Support Plan.

More Definitions of Behavior Support

Behavior Support means the services consistent with positive behavioral theory and practice that are delivered in accordance with a Behavior Support Plan to assist with behavioral challenges due to the intellectual or developmental disability of a child that prevents the child from
Behavior Support means the development, change and
Behavior Support means the services consistent with positive behavioral theory and practice that are delivered in accordance with a Behavior Support Plan to assist with behavioral challenges due to the intellectual or developmental disability of a child that prevents the child from accomplishing activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living,
Behavior Support means the development, change and maintenance of selected behaviors through the systematic application of behavior change techniques.
Behavior Support means the services consistent with positive behavioral theory and practice that are provided to assist with behavioral challenges due to the intellectual or developmental disability of a child that prevents the child from accomplishing activities of daily living, instrumental
Behavior Support means the services consistent with positive behavioral theory and practice that are provided to assist with behavioral
Behavior Support means the services consistent with positive behavioral theory and practice that are provided to assist with behavioral challenges due to the intellectual or developmental disability of a child that prevents the child from accomplishing activities of daily living, instrumental activities of daily living, health related tasks, and provides cognitive