Examples of Bonus Prize in a sentence
Players whose numbers match the Lottery drawn numbers in reverse order – “Straight Back” – will win a Bonus Prize (defined herein).
For example, if a Pick-3 player chooses 1-2-3 and the numbers drawn are 3- 2-1, the player wins a Bonus Prize.
The Heritage Bonus Prize will be awarded to the first Team that claims the Grand Prize or Second Place Prize and returns to the Earth a Heritage Mooncast taken by a Craft or secondary vehicle after it has landed on the surface of the Moon that includes imagery and video of a historical Site of Interest including footage of an artifact associated with a previous mission to the Moon other than the Apollo missions.
Following Finals Testing in each track, the Judging Panel will convene to review and discuss the results and determine the winners of the Grand Prize and the Bonus Prize.
Lockheed Martin Accurate Detection & Intelligence Bonus PrizeA Bonus Prize totaling USD $1,000,000 will be awarded to one or more eligible teams across both tracks whose competition entries successfully demonstrate Accurate, Precise, and Rapid Detection.
Teams may also compete for a Bonus Prize, which will complement the goals of the main competition by incentivizing breakthroughs in rapid, precise, and accurate detection of wildfires.
Following Finals Testing in each track, the Judging Panel will convene to review and discussthe results and determine the winners of the Grand Prize and the Bonus Prize.
A Team need not claim the Grand Prize, Second Place Prize, and/or any Bonus Prize in order to claim the Diversity Award.
Teams do not need to win one of the contest prizes to be awarded a Bonus Prize.
Lockheed Martin Accurate Detection & Intelligence Bonus PrizeA Bonus Prize totaling USD $1,000,000 will be awarded to one or more eligible teams participating in Track B: Autonomous Wildfire Response whose Competition entries successfully demonstrate Accurate, Precise, and Rapid Detection.