Examples of Building Development Costs in a sentence
Regardless of which of the three options the Private Developer chooses to satisfy the 1% Private Development art contribution requirement (i.e. On-Site Art, in-lieu contribution fee, or Designated Public Art Space), five percent (5%) of the required Private Development art contribution amount (i.e. 5% of 1% of the Building Development Costs) shall be paid to the City as an administrative costs fee.
Private residential building developments of twenty (20) or more new dwelling units shall devote an amount not less than one percent (1%) of Building Development Costs for acquisition and installation of Publicly Accessible Art on the development site.
Private nonresidential building developments involving Two Thousand (2,000) square feet or more of new floor area shall devote an amount not less than one percent (1%) of Building Development Costs for acquisition and installation of Publicly Accessible Art on the development site.
Pursuant to MMC Section XI-10-14, private residential development of 20 or more dwelling units shall devote an amount not less than one-half of one percent of Building Development Costs for acquisition and installation of Publicly Accessible Art on the project site or contribute the value into the Public Art Fund for acquisition and placement of Public Art throughout the City.
For purposes of budgeting and planning for On-Site Art, an initial estimate of the On-Site Art contribution shall be calculated based on estimated Building Development Costs at the time of application for entitlements.
A Private Developer may satisfy the requirements of this Chapter by constructing or installing On-Site Art valued at 1% of the Building Development Costs of the applicable Private Development project, adjusted as described in subsection (2) below.
Education Resources £0.2m no covid relief claimed Building Development Costs £0.2mAdditional Staff costs including agency costs of interim cover and additional resource to cover significant building projects and PFI arrangements.
Private nonresidential building developments involving Two Thousand (2,000) square feet or more of new floor area shall devote an amount not less than one half of one percent (0.5%) of Building Development Costs for acquisition and installation of Publicly Accessible Art on the development site.
The On-Site Art contribution shall be finally determined based on the Building Development Costs determined at the time the building permit application for the Private Development project is submitted.
The Project shall incorporate a public art work component to the satisfaction of the Planning and Director and the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Commission or provide a Public Art Program In-Lieu Contribution to the Public Art Fund of not less than one-half of one percent of Building Development Costs to be paid at building permit issuance.