Examples of Business Transfers in a sentence
MODULEGR: General RequirementsCHAPTERGR-4: Business Transfers GR-4.1 CBB Approval (continued)GR-4.1.6 Licensees intending to apply to transfer business are advised to contact the CBB at the earliest possible opportunity, prior to submitting a formal application, in order that the CBB may determine the nature and level of documentation to be provided and the need for an auditor or other expert opinion to be provided to support the application.
This chapter applies to a firm that is a QFC captive insurer if the firm effects an insurance business transfer.Note Provisions on insurance business transfers may also be found in theFinancial Services Regulations, part 16 (Control of Business Transfers).
See the OPTAVIA Procedures for Details on Business Transfers upon Death.
See the OPTAVIA Procedures for Details on Business Transfers upon Divorce.
Additional fees may apply for Instant Transfers and Businesses enrolled in the Small Business Transfers Service.