Examples of Cash Expenditures in a sentence
Selling Price, Net of Closing Costs and GAAP AdjustmentsCost of Properties Including Closing and Soft CostsExcess (Deficiency) of Property Operating Cash Receipts Over Cash Expenditures (5)PropertyDate AcquiredDate of Sale (1)Cash received net of closing costsMortgage balance at time of salePurchase money mortgage taken back by program (2)Adjustments resulting from application of GAAP (3)TotalOriginal Mortgage FinancingTotal Acquisition cost, capital improvement, closing and soft costs (4)Total3713 N.
Petty Cash (Expenditures Only) DefinitionCash used to purchase budgeted small items less than the amount established under Section 3.2C, such as stamps for the extension district office.
The Borrower shall cause Consolidated Cash Flow to equal or exceed 125% of Consolidated Cash Expenditures at the end of each fiscal quarter for the twelve-month period then ended.
If FS-25 forms included amounts on Line 4 (Cash Expenditures Anticipated During Next Month), we will select one FS-25 and determine if funds were expended within 1 month following the date of the request.
Select all Income and Expense accountsExpense account examples: Salaries (probably the largest account) Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Maintenance Utilities Interest expense (if now in debt) Diocesanum Miscellaneous Income account examples: Sunday collection (primary source of income) Holy days Tuition (for schools) CRP Total Allocation Gain or Loss Miscellaneous Other Cash Expenditures to budget for: Capital Improvements Loan payments (principal portion) 2.