Conceptual framework definition

Conceptual framework means the standards, assess- ments and benchmarks used by an institution of higher education to determine the communications skills, human relations and teaching dispositions, content knowledge, pedagogical knowl- edge and teaching practice competence of students who are candi- dates for a license.
Conceptual framework means the key concepts and basic themes drawn from the program's philosophy that form the basis for the curriculum.
Conceptual framework means the distinct, systematic organization of concepts and planned student outcomes of the program that are consistent with relevant professional nursing standards and the mission, goals, philosophy, and purposes of the sponsoring institution, and which gives direction to the curriculum.

Examples of Conceptual framework in a sentence

  • Conceptual framework for personal recovery in mental health: systematic review and narrative synthesis.

  • The main amendments introduced in the revised Conceptual framework for financial reporting are related to measurement, including factors, which should be considered when choosing measurement basis, and to presentation and disclosure, including income and expenses which should be classified in other comprehensive income.

  • The Conceptual framework also provides updated definitions for asset and liability and criteria for their recognition in the financial statements.

  • Conceptual framework means that concepts that relate to one another were used to explain the research problem.

  • In Annika Björklund et al (eds) Importing EU norms – Conceptual framework and empirical findings Springer, (2015) 133-152.

  • Their purpose is to define the Conceptual framework of theoretical perspective within which the research questions are analysed.

  • Conceptual framework, literature review and hypotheses are presented in the second section, followed by methodol- ogy in the third section.

  • Figure 3: Conceptual framework of factors affecting modern contraception use Source: Ejembi, C.L., Dahiru, T., & Aliyu, A.A. (2015)Figure 3, displays the conceptual framework of factors that indirectly influence fertility acting on the proximate or intermediate (individual and household) determinants at different levels to influence a women’s use of contraception.

  • Sustainability Cone: Conceptual framework of merging life cycle perspective, product and production to derive life cycle targets (lct) thus optimizing product and production in an early planning phaseTo integrate sustainability assessment in PDP and PPP in a consistent way, the new approach of life cycle target setting (LCTS) is introduced.

  • Studies of the impact of physical traffic calming on vehicle emissionstend to agree that calming can cause a decrease in nitrous oxide emissions but an increase in carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and hydro carbon emissions.

More Definitions of Conceptual framework

Conceptual framework means, in respect of a curriculum for a program, the major concepts which provide the foundation for the curriculum;
Conceptual framework is defined in Recital K.
Conceptual framework means the theoretical base around which the curriculum is developed.
Conceptual framework means the distinct, systematic organization of concepts which is derived from the philosophy and purposes of the program and gives direction to the curriculum.
Conceptual framework means the key concepts and basic themes drawn from the program's
Conceptual framework. A Potential Model for Operationalizing Country Ownership The result of these two reviews is a conceptual framework (Figure 4) of country ownership in Gavi’s co-financing policy developed by the investigator. The co-financing policy requires countries to pay a portion of the total costs of Gavi introduced vaccines. Meeting the co- financing obligation leads to the intermediary goal of ownership of vaccine financing. However, four indirect drivers of ownership, as uncovered in the literature review, influence the‌ operationalization of this policy. Countries that have these four drivers are better able to buy into the Gavi model, allowing them to commit to the co-financing policy and meet the co-financing obligations. These direct and indirect mechanisms lead to the intermediary goal of country ownership of vaccine financing. These drivers also help to explain and assess country ownership of vaccine financing. Specific to each driver are indicators informed by Gavi’s proposed sustainability frameworks (Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx et al., 2016a) (see Figure 6) specifically some of the challenges countries faced in meeting their co-financing obligations. While country ownership is the intermediary goal, the policy’s goal is financial sustainability, which is a country’s ability to mobilize domestic resources to finance vaccines. The enabling condition/ assumption of this model is that economic conditions are favorable. The model makes the following assumptions and conditions: country’s GDP or GNI per capita will increase; country will experience economic growth and financial conditions are favorable.

Related to Conceptual framework

  • Design means the design of any aspect of the shape or configuration (whether internal or external) of the whole or part of an article, other than surface decoration; and

  • Project Implementation Plan means the detail plan submitted by the Developer with regard to development of Project Facilities and its operation and management thereof in accordance with this Agreement and to be appended as Schedule 9 to this Agreement.