Examples of Controversial Weapons in a sentence
In addition, abrdn apply a set of company exclusions, which are related to the UN Global Compact, Controversial Weapons, Tobacco Manufacturing and Thermal Coal.
Additionally, abrdn apply a set of company exclusions which are related to the UN Global Compact, Controversial Weapons, Tobacco Manufacturing and Thermal Coal.
All companies involved in Controversial Weapons as defined by the methodology of the MSCI Ex-Controversial Weapons Indexes.
Further details on the Policy We have defined Controversial Weapons as weapons that have been subject to widespread ban or restriction by International Treaties and Conventions, on the basis they have one or more of the following characteristics: – The weapon is indiscriminate, i.e. there is an increased risk of civilian casualties.
If the client wishes, they can adopt BlueBay's Controversial Weapons Investment policy for their own fund.