Examples of Corrective Action Request in a sentence
In the event that an incident may occur with a contracted vendor which is deemed to be unacceptable, The Kenton County School District may issue a Corrective Action Request (C.A.R.) to the vendor.
Subsequent work may not progress for work that is the subject of a Corrective Action Request (CAR) until conditions averse to quality are corrected.
Suppliers shall ensure that their Quality Management System has the capability to report nonconformance(s) on Critical Safety Items (CSI) in full compliance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 252.246-7003.For suppliers with Design Authority, a technical assessment and recommended disposition shall be provided.This disclosure process shall also be extended to an issuance of a DCMA issued Corrective Action Request (CAR) to the supplier for Northrop Grumman material.
When an incident occurs with a contracted vendor that The Kenton County School District deems unacceptable, The Kenton County School District may issue a Corrective Action Request (C.A.R.) to the vendor.The procedure is as follows:• The Kenton County School District’s Purchasing Department will issue a written C.A.R. to the vendor in question detailing the incident, problem, and/or issue(s) relating to the contract.
Re-scheduling CSI due to hardware not being ready may result in the issuance of a Corrective Action Request (CAR).
Systemic quality and overhaul process discrepancies that affect the outcome of product(s) outside the scope of the PVA will require the cognizant QAR to issue a Corrective Action Request.
When an incident occurs with a contracted vendor that The Kenton County School District deems unacceptable, The Kenton County School District may issue a Corrective Action Request (C.A.R.) to the vendor.
Nonconformance includes, but is not limited to, product nonconformance, administrative elements, (i.e. packing list errors, invoice errors, Document omissions, nonconforming packaging etc.) Suppliers who fail to provide adequate corrective action by the due date assigned on the Supplier Corrective Action Request, may be subject to performance penalties up to and including suspension of the supplier's qualified status.
Corrective Action Request or Non-Conformity Report might be issued and Competent Environmental Protection Authorities informed, if the case.
Panasonic Avionics may issue a Supplier Corrective Action Request (see Division’s SCAR Program) when nonconforming material is discovered.