Cultural heritage resource definition

Cultural heritage resource means any of the following:
Cultural heritage resource or “CHR” means an object, a site or the location of a traditional societal practice that is of historical, cultural or archaeological significance to British Columbia, a community or an aboriginal people, that is the focus of a traditional use by an aboriginal people that is of continuing importance to that people, and that is not regulated under the Heritage Conservation Act.
Cultural heritage resource means an object, a site or the location of a traditional societal practice that is of historic, cultural, or archaeological significance to the Province, a community or an aboriginal people,

Examples of Cultural heritage resource in a sentence

  • Cultural heritage resource assessments are typically completed by First Nations under a fee for service agreement. Other First Nations databases - typically completed by First Nations under a fee for service agreement.

  • ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE LAND USE PLANNING PROCESS Cultural heritage resource conservation within the land use planning process in Ontario arises from legislation such as the Planning Act, Environmental Assessment Act, and Niagara Escarpment Planning & Development Act.

  • Cultural heritage resource management practice in the Province of Ontario has been at the forefront of acknowledging and defining cultural heritage landscapes as distinct and unique cultural heritage resources.

  • Cultural heritage resource concerns in land use planning are addressed through MCTR’s review of provincial and municipal planning policies and development projects.

  • Cultural heritage resource details available from Ministry of Forests – Headwaters District, and Kamloops LRMP AOA process.

More Definitions of Cultural heritage resource

Cultural heritage resource means a defined geographic area of heritage significance which has been modified by human activities. Such an area is valued by a community and is of significance to the understanding of the history of a people or place.
Cultural heritage resource means an object, a site or the location of a traditional societal practice that is of historical, cultural or archaeological significance to British Columbia, a community or an aboriginal people;
Cultural heritage resource means an object, a site or the location of a traditional societal
Cultural heritage resource refers only to those resources that are the focus of a traditional use by an aboriginal people that are of continuing importance to that people, and not regulated under the Heritage Conservation Act. A “cultural heritage resource evaluation” (CHRE) is a process conducted by a qualified person and consisting of the following steps: i. Complete a referral to the affected First Nations and solicit input. ii. Record the location of the cultural heritage resource. iii. Evaluate the direct impact of the planned forest harvesting or road building activity on the cultural heritage resource. iv. Prepare recommendations to mitigate the impact on, conserve or, if necessary, protect, the cultural heritage resource considering: the relative value or importance of the cultural heritage resource to a traditional use by an aboriginal people; the relative abundance or scarcity of the cultural heritage resource; the historical extent of the traditional use of the cultural heritage resource; and, the impact that conserving or protecting the cultural heritage resource has on the agreement holder’s timber harvesting rights.
Cultural heritage resource. : means a cultural heritage resource as defined in the Mineral Tenure Act; which means an object, a site or the location of a traditional societal practice that is of historical, cultural or archaeological significance to British Columbia, a community or an Indigenous people
Cultural heritage resource means an object or site that is of historic, cultural, or archaeological significance, (f) "cutting permit" means a cutting permit referred to in paragraph 5.01, or issued under paragraph 5.03 or 5.09, (g) "deposit" means the deposit which the Licensee is required to maintain under paragraph 10.03, (h) "development plan" means a plan which (i) details the proposed location and scheduling of development activities within the Licence Area, over a period of at least five years, including the location and scheduling of harvesting and road construction and deactivation activities, (ii) provides information to be considered in assessing the proposed location and scheduling of development activities, and (iii) subject to paragraph 4.15, is replaced every one or two years, depending on its term, (i) "Forest Act" means (i) the Forest Act, R.S.B.C. 1979, c. 140, as amended, or the successor to this act, or a part of this act if all or a part of it is repealed, and (ii) the regulations enacted under this act or its successor, (j) "free use permit" means a free use permit issued under the Forest Act to the Licensee, or to a person other than the Licensee, (k) "guideline" means a guideline, policy, procedure or manual regarding forest practices applicable to all or part of the Licence Area, which has been set or approved by the Ministry , (l) "harvest" includes entry onto land for the purpose of cutting and removing timber, cutting the timber and removing the timber from the land, (m) "land and resource management plan" means a plan, approved by an appropriate official of the Government of British Columbia, which provides direction for land use, and establishes resource management objectives and strategies, for all or part of the Licence Area, (n) "Licence Area" means Schedule A Land and Schedule B Land, (o) "local resource use plan" means a plan approved by the District Manager which provides guidelines for resource use and development in all or part of the Licence Area, (p) "logging plan" means one or more detailed maps setting out how the Licensee proposes to conduct harvesting and related operations on one or more cut blocks covered or to be covered by a cutting permit, (q) "management plan" means a plan for managing, protecting and conserving both the timber resources and the non-timber values and resources of the Licence Area, and integrating harvesting and related activities with use of the Licence Area for purposes other than timber production, (r) "manual" mea...
Cultural heritage resource means a cultural heritage resource that is