Data Security Breach definition

Data Security Breach means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, Personal Data transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed.
Data Security Breach is any instance in which the Contractor has actual knowledge or a reasonable basis on which to suspect or conclude that there has been an unauthorized release or access of Confidential Information, regardless of whether the Contractor stores and manages data directly or through a contractor such as a third-party cloud computing vendor. A Data Security Breach may take various forms, including but not limited to: hackers gaining access to data through a malicious attack; lost, stolen, or temporarily misplaced data or equipment (e.g., mobile computing devices or portable memory devices); employee negligence (e.g., leaving a password list in a publicly-accessible location, technical staff misconfiguring a security service or device); or policy and/or system failure.
Data Security Breach means any breach of security or confidentiality leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, Customer Data;

Examples of Data Security Breach in a sentence

  • Any other provisions specifying the manner in which notice is to be provided under the Agreement or the content of such notice do not apply to the notification of a Data Security Breach pursuant to this Section 6 of the Data Processing Specification.

  • Notification of a Data Security Breach must be in writing via email or other secure method of electronic communication authorized by ICANN to an information or administrative contact identified by the parties‌ (which shall be identified by the parties promptly following the date of this Data Processing Specification and updated as necessary to replace such contact), though communication may take place first via telephone.

  • The parties may, upon mutual agreement, cooperate to assist the other party with an identified Data Security Breach for the purpose of meeting such other party’s obligations in relation to the notification of a Data Security Breach under Applicable Data Protection Laws.

  • If ICANN becomes aware of any Data Security Breach relating to its Processing of Personal Registration Data, which concerns the Personal Registration Data of a Registered Name Holder which has contracted with the Registrar, it shall notify the Registrar as soon as practicable.

More Definitions of Data Security Breach

Data Security Breach means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to the Shared Personal Data;
Data Security Breach means: (a) the loss or misuse (by any means) of Personal Data; (b) the inadvertent, unauthorized, and/or unlawful Processing, disclosure, access, alteration, corruption, transfer, or sale or rental, destruction, or use of Personal Data; or (c) any other act or omission that compromises the security, confidentiality, or integrity of Personal Data. “Porušením bezpečnosti dat” se rozumí: (a) ztráta nebo zneužití osobních údajů (jakýmkoli způsobem); (b) nedbalé, neoprávněné a/nebo nezákonné zpracování, sdělení, zpřístupnění, změna, převod, prodej, pronájem, zničení či využití osobních údajů; nebo (c) jakýkoli jiný skutek či pochybení, které ovlivňuje bezpečnost, důvěrnost či celistvost osobních údajů. “eCRFs/CRFs” (Electronic Case Report Forms or Case Report Forms) are paper or electronic questionnaires specifically used by Institution and Investigator pursuant to the Protocol for Subject data reporting. “eCRFs/CRFs” (Electronic Case Report Forms/Case Report Forms) jsou papírové nebo elektronické dotazníky, které zdravotnické zařízení a zkoušející používají v souladu s ustanovením protokolu pro zaznamenávání údajů o subjektech hodnocení (záznamy pacienta).
Data Security Breach means any unauthorised access, modification, use, disclosure, destruction or loss of data related to the Project, and includes an actual or attempted circumvention of any of its security measures. Dispute has the meaning given in clause 34.1 (Dispute resolution).
Data Security Breach means a security breach as defined by applicable law or any incident that compromises the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of Personal Data.
Data Security Breach a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to the Shared Personal Data. Data Sharing Code: the Information Commissioner's Data Sharing Code of Practice of May 2011.
Data Security Breach means: (A) the loss or misuse (by any means) of Personal Data or Company Data; (B) the inadvertent, unauthorized and/or unlawful Processing, corruption, modification, transfer, sale or rental of Personal Data or Company Data; or (C) any other act, omission or circumstance that compromises the security, confidentiality, or integrity of Personal Data or Company Data, including but not limited to incidents where Personal Data or Company Data has been damaged, lost, corrupted, destroyed, or accessed, acquired, modified, used, or disclosed by any unauthorized person, by any person in an unauthorized manner, or for an unauthorized purpose.
Data Security Breach means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, Personal Data that has been transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed. (c) „Porušení bezpečnosti údajů“ znamená narušení bezpečnosti, které vede k náhodnému nebo protiprávnímu zničení, ztrátě, pozměnění, neoprávněnému zpřístupnění nebo použití Osobních údajů přenášených, uchovávaných nebo jinak zpracovávaných.