DEFECT LIABILITY. It is agreed that in case any structural defect or any other defect in workmanship, quality or provision of services or any other obligations of the Promoter as per the agreement for sale relating to such development is brought to the notice of the Promoter within a period of 5 (five) years by the Allottee from the date of handing over possession, it shall be the duty of the Promoter to rectify such defects without further charge, within 30 (thirty) days, and in the event of Promoter's failure to rectify such defects within such time, the aggrieved Allottees shall be entitled to receive appropriate compensation in the manner as provided under the Act.
DEFECT LIABILITY. 12.1. It is agreed that in case any structural defect or any other defect in workmanship, quality or provision of services or any other obligations of the Promoter as per the agreement for sale relating to such development is brought to the notice of the Promoter within a period of 5 (five) years by the Allottee from the date of handing over possession, it shall be the duty of the Promoter to rectify such defects without further charge, within 30 (thirty) days, and in the event of Promoter's failure to rectify such defects within such time, the aggrieved Allottee shall be entitled to receive / recover appropriate compensation in the manner as provided under the Act.
12.2. That after the Said Apartment is handed over to the Allottee and/or the maintenance of the Schedule A Property is handed over to the Association of allottees , the Promoter shall not be responsible for any consequence or defect liability on account of any change implemented in the Said Apartment (including changes to the structural walls, flooring, any additional construction implemented in the duct areas) or any part of the said Building by the Allottee or for any failure, negligence in implementing the interior decoration of the Said Apartment, act or omission, obstruction, alteration, modification, restraint or improper use by the Allottee of any of the internal fixtures and fitting within the Said Apartment or by any or all the allottees service providers or their agents with regards to the fire equipment, fire protection systems, lifts, their supporting equipment, pollution control and other general safety equipment, related facilities and services. The Allottee understands and accepts that in any of the above acts or omissions by the Allottee, the Defect Liability of the Promoter towards the Said Apartment will automatically and forthwith lapse.
12.3. If the Allottee brings to the notice of the Promoter any structural defect in the Said Apartment / said Building within a period stipulated under the relevant Laws from the date of handing over of the Said Apartment to the Allottee, or any genuine and not perceived or purported defect on account of workmanship or provision of service then, wherever possible such defects shall be rectified by the Promoter at his own cost and in case it is not possible to rectify such defects, then Allottee shall be entitled to receive from the Promoter, compensation for such defect in the manner as provided under the Act and the Rules and Regulations th...
DEFECT LIABILITY. It is agreed that in case any structural defect or any other defect in workmanship, quality or provision of services or any other obligations of the Developer as per the agreement for sale relating to such development is brought to the notice of the Developer within a period of 5(five) years by the Allottee from the date of handing over possession, it shall be the duty of the Developer to rectify such defects without further charge, within 30 (thirty) days, and in the event of Developer’s failure to rectify such defects within such time, the aggrieved Allottees shall be entitled to receive appropriate compensation in the manner as provided under the Act.
DEFECT LIABILITY. It is agreed that in case any structural defect or any other defect in workmanship, quali ty or provision of services or any other obligations of the Promoter/Developer as per the agreement for sale relating to such development is brought to the notice of the Promoter/Developer within a period of 5 (Five) years by the Allottee from the date of handing over possession, it shall be the duty of the Promoter/Developer to rectify such defects without further charge., within 30 (thirty) days, and in the event of Promoter/Developer's failure to rectify such defects within such time, the aggrieved Allottee shall be entitled to receive appropriate compensation in the manner as provided under the Act.
DEFECT LIABILITY. It is agreed that in case any structural defect or any other defect in workmanship, quality or provision of services or any other obligations of the Promoter as per the Agreement relating to such development is brought to the notice of the Promoter within a period of 5 (five) years by the Allottee from the date of handing over possession, it shall be the duty of the Promoter to rectify such defects without further charge, within 30 (thirty) days, and in the event of Promoter's failure to rectify such defects within such, time, the aggrieved Allottee shall be entitled to receive appropriate compensation in the manner as provided under the Act. Provided that the Promoter shall not be liable to compensate if the defect is attributable to any acts or omissions or commissions of the Allottee (or any person appointed by him or acting under him or under his instructions) or arising due to any normal wear and tear or due to reasons not solely attributable to the Promoter. Notwithstanding anything herein contained it is hereby expressly agreed and understood that in case the Allottee, without first notifying the Promoter and without giving the Promoter the reasonable opportunity to inspect, assess and determine the nature of purported defect in the Apartment, alters the state and condition of the area of the purported defect, then the Promoter shall be relieved of its obligations contained hereinabove in this clause.
DEFECT LIABILITY. It is agreed that in case any structural defect or any other defect in workmanship, quality or provision of services or any other obligations of the Promoter, as per the agreement for sale relating to such development, is brought to the notice of the Promoter within a period of 5 (five) years by the Allottee from the date of offer of possession, it shall be the duty of the Promoter to rectify such defects without further charge, within ninety days, and in the event of Promoter’s failure to rectify such defects within such time, the aggrieved Allottees shall be entitled to receive appropriate compensation in the manner as provided under the Act. Provided that,
(a) The above-mentioned liability of the Promoter shall be limited to structural defects only (quality and workmanship).
(b) The Promoter shall not be liable for any such structural/ architectural defect induced by the Allottee, by means of carrying out structural or architectural changes from the original specifications/ design or any misuse thereof;
2. It is further clarified that the Promoter shall not be liable for any defects caused due to normal wear and tear.
(a) The Promoter shall procure fixtures, fittings, equipment, appliances, gadgets and/or services including but not limited to elevator, DG set, pumps etc. of standard makes and these shall be governed by their respective warranties provided by their manufactures/installers. The said warranties of the same shall be made available to the Allottee/ association of allotees by the Promoter.
(b) The Promoter having procured the items from standard makes, shall not be liable for any defects relating to the same and the same shall be governed by their respective warranties provided by their manufactures/installers and the Promoter shall have no liability in this regard.
DEFECT LIABILITY. It is agreed that in case any structural defect or any other defect in workmanship, quality or provision of services or any other obligations of the Promoter as per the Agreement for Sale relating to such development is brought to the notice of the Promoter within a period of five years by the Allottee from the date of handing over the possession of the Apartment / application for completion certificate , it shall be the duty of the Promoter to rectify such defects without further charge, within thirty days, and in the event of Xxxxxxxx's failure to rectify such defects within such time, the aggrieved Allottee(s) shall be entitled to receive appropriate compensation in the manner as provided under the Act.
DEFECT LIABILITY. 12.1 It is agreed that in case any structural defect or any other defect in workmanship, quality or provision of services or any other obligations of the Promoter as per the agreement for sale relating to such development is brought to the notice of the Promoter within a period of 5 (five) years by the Allottee from the date of obtaining the completion certificate, it shall be the duty of the Promoter to rectify such defects without further charge, within 30 (thirty) days, and in the event of Promoter's failure to rectify such defects within such time, the aggrieved Allottees shall be entitled to receive appropriate compensation in the manner as provided under the Act.
12.2 It is clarified that the Promoter shall not be liable for any such defects if the same have been caused by reason of the default and/or negligence of the Allottee and/or any other allottees in the Real Estate Project or acts of third party(ies) or on account of any force majeure events including on account of any repairs / redecoration / any other work undertaken by the Allottee and/or any other allottee/person in the Real Estate Project. The Allottee is/are aware that the Said Building is a monolithic structure and any change(s), alteration(s) including breaking of walls or any structural members or the construction of any new wall or structural member may adversely impact the Said Building at various places or in its entirety and hence any change(s) or alteration(s) as mentioned hereinabove will result in immediate ceasing of the Promoter’s obligation to rectify any defect(s) or compensate for the same as mentioned in this Clause and the Allottee and/or the association of allotteesshall have no claim(s) of whatsoever nature against the Promoter in this regard
DEFECT LIABILITY. It is agreed that in case any structural defect or any other defect in workmanship, quality or provision of services or any other obligations of the Promoter as per the agreement for sale relating to such development is brought to the notice of the Promoter by the Allottee within a period of 5 (five) years from the date of completion certificate, it shall be the duty of the Promoter to rectify such defects without further charge, within 30 (thirty) days, and in the event of Promoter’s failure to rectify such defects within such time, the aggrieved Allottee shall be entitled to receive appropriate compensation in the manner as provided under the Act Provided That the obligation or liability of the Promoter shall not arise if the defect has arisen owing to act or omission of the Allottee or Association of Allottees and/or any other person or if the portion alleged to have the defect has already been altered before the Promoter is able to view the same or if the related annual maintenance contracts and other licenses are not validly maintained by the association of allottees or competent authority
DEFECT LIABILITY. 13.1 It is agreed that in case any structural defect or any other defect in workmanship, quality or provision of services or any other obligations of the Promoter as per the Agreement for Sale relating to such development is brought to the notice of the Promoter within a period of 5 (five) years by the Allottee from the date of handing over possession, save those as mentioned in clause 14.2 below, it shall be the duty of the Promoter to rectify such defects without further charge, within 30 (thirty) days, and in the event of Promoter’s failure to rectify such defects within such time, the aggrieved Allottees shall be entitled to receive appropriate compensation in the manner as provided under applicable laws for the time being in force.
13.2 The Promoter shall not be liable to rectify any defect occurring under the following circumstances:
(i) If there are changes, modifications or alteration in plumbing pipes and fittings and fixtures or change of wall or floor tiles after the Allottee taking over possession of the Apartment, the Promoter will not take any responsibility of waterproofing, cracks or any defect in plumbing pipes and fittings and fixtures that have developed directly or indirectly due to such changes;
(ii) If there are changes, modifications or alteration in electrical lines and wirings after said possession unto the Allottee, the Promoter will not take any responsibility of any defect in electrical lines and wirings that have developed directly or indirectly due to such changes, modifications or alterations;
(iii) If there are changes, modifications or alterations in doors, windows or other related items, then the Promoter will not take responsibility of door locks or door alignment or seepage from windows or any other related defects arising directly or indirectly out of such changes, modifications or alterations;
(iv) If the Allottee after taking actual physical possession of the Apartment, executes interior decoration work including any addition and/or alteration in the layout of the internal walls of the Apartment by making any changes in the Apartment, then any defect like damp, hair line cracks, breakage in floor tiles or other defects arising as a direct or indirect consequence of such alterations or changes will not be entertained by the Promoter;
(v) Different materials have different coefficient of expansion and contraction and as such because of this difference there are chances of cracks developing on joints of walls and RCC bea...