Examples of Derivative Agreements in a sentence
The Counterparties to the ETF’s Derivative Agreements meet those designated ratings requirements.
The ETF’s exposure to Derivative Agreements by Counterparty is disclosed in the credit risk section of note B of the ETF-specific notes information.
The ETF’s maximum credit risk exposure as at the reporting date is represented by the respective carrying amounts of the financial assets in the statements of financial position, including any positive mark-to-market of the ETF’s Derivative Agreement(s).
In order to achieve its investment objective, the type of Derivative Agreements the ETF has entered into are forward agreements (the “Forward Agreements”) with one or more bank Counterparties.
However, the performance of the ETF is primarily affected by the performance of its Derivative Agreements, which are rebalanced daily, and is tied to the performance of the Underlying Index.
Each Derivative Agreement has a remaining term to maturity at any point in time of less than five years which, with the consent of the ETF and the applicable Counterparty, will be extended annually for a fixed number of years and, provided no default or event of default and no unresolved hedging event or disruption event has occurred and is continuing, the ETF has the ability to request the termination of its exposure under its Derivative Agreements, in whole or in part, atany time.
The Counterparty to any Derivative Agreements entered into by the ETF must be a chartered Canadian bank or an aflliate of a chartered Canadian bank whose obligations are guaranteed by a chartered Canadian bank, and has a designated rating.
To the extent that the Company earns net income (other than dividends from taxable Canadian corporations and cer- tain taxable capital gains and after available deductions), including in respect of derivative transactions (including in respect of the ETF’s Derivative Agreements described in note 7), interest and income paid or made payable to it by a trust resident in Canada, the Company will be subject to income tax on such net income and no refund will be available in respect thereof.
The Counterparty to any Derivative Agreements entered into by the ETF must be a chartered Canadian bank or an affiliate of a chartered Canadian bank whose obligations are guaranteed by a chartered Canadian bank, and has a designated rating.
To the extent that the Company earns net income (other than dividends from taxable Canadian corporations and certain taxable capital gains and after available deductions), including in respect of derivative transactions (including in respect of the ETF’s Derivative Agreements described in note 7), interest and income paid or made payable to it by a trust resident in Canada, the Company will be subject to income tax on such net income and no refund will be available in respect thereof.