Development Review Team definition

Development Review Team means a team of professionals that are experts in specific areas of development. The team consists of the City Manager, Community Development Director, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, City Attorney, Economic Development Coordinator, Principal Planner and City Engineer.
Development Review Team means the development review team established pursuant to section 2.11.
Development Review Team means the administrative land use authority whose purpose is to receive, review, consider the subdivision, and if all requirements and standards are met, issue final plat approval. The committee is comprised of members representing the following city departments: Community Development; Engineering and Public Works. These individuals are to provide their respective department’s/agency's expertise in the technical and policy requirements and standards regarding development applications subject to the development review provisions of this Title and other city ordinances.

Examples of Development Review Team in a sentence

  • Mr. Criscitiello explained, that the members of the Development Review Team reviewed each item independently and provided their comments to the Zoning Administrator.

  • Site plan approvals could require rezoning, conditional use approval and a traffic impact study; however, all site plans are presented to the Development Review Team (DRT) for approval before any construction is allowed on the site.

  • Mr. Criscitiello explained, that the members of the Development Review Team reviewed each item independently, and provided their comments to the Zoning Administrator.

  • Applicants are encouraged to submit a sketch plan and any other pertinent information to the Development Review Team for consideration.

  • The Township Zoning Administrator shall transmit the final plat for review to members of the Development Review Team and appropriate officials or agencies.

  • A Development Review Team, comprised of the Zoning Administrator, Street Commissioner, City Engineer, Park Superintendent, Fire Marshal, Building Official, representatives from ALP and ALASD and/or other appropriate staff/departments will meet on an as- needed basis to review sketch or concept plans, prior to the submission of an actual preliminary plat application.

  • It is the intent of the Township that these meetings be coordinated with the County’s Development Review Team process and schedule as much as possible so as to facilitate an orderly subdivision review process.

  • Prior to the preparation of a preliminary plat, the subdivider shall attend a Development Review Team (DRT) meeting in order to be made fully aware of all applicable ordinances and regulations pertaining to the area to be subdivided.

  • The Development Review Team may grant a Minor Subdivision Waiver to authorize a reduced street jog length if no other practicable alternative exists.

  • The Development Review Team may grant a Minor Subdivision Waiver to approve an alternate location of a sidewalk, including routing to clear poles, trees, or other obstacles.

More Definitions of Development Review Team

Development Review Team means the director, the public works director, the city administrator (at the administrator’s discretion) and such other staff members as the administrator and/or the directors determine to be appropriate to participate in preapplication conferences and other development review processes as provided by this title.
Development Review Team or “DRT” means a the team comprised of selected committee representatives of city departments or divisions representatives including, but not limited to, representatives from building, transportation engineering, water, and power, fire marshal, police, current planning, and long rangecommunity and strategic planning, and economic development, as well as private utilities utility providers and other agencies, and city personnel as required determined by the community services directorcurrent planning manager, that reviews and approves development applications. The community services directorcurrent planning manager or the director's designee shall serves as chairperson of the DRT.
Development Review Team. (DRT) means the team of City officials and/or staff responsible for the review and approval of all engineering/construction plans involved with development within the City.
Development Review Team means the team comprised of representatives of city divisions including, but not limited to, representatives from building, transportation engineering, water, power, fire, police, current planning, community and strategic planning, and economic development, as well as private utility providers and other agencies, as determined by the current planning manager, that reviews and approves development applications.

Related to Development Review Team

  • Project Team means Owner, Contractor, A/E and consultants, any separate Contractors employed by Owner, and others employed for the purpose of programming, design, and construction of the Project. The members of the Project Team will be designated in writing by Owner and may be modified from time to time in writing by Owner.

  • Development Phase means the period before a vehicle type is type approved.

  • Research Plan shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.

  • Program Plan means the tobacco settlement program plan dated February 14, 2001, including exhibits to the program plan, submitted by the authority to the legislative council and the executive council, to provide the state with a secure and stable source of funding for the purposes designated by section 12E.3A and other provisions of this chapter.

  • Evaluation Team means the team appointed by the City; “Information Meeting” has the meaning set out in section 2.2;

  • Annual Work Plan and Budget means the work plan and budget approved by the Bank and adopted by the Borrower in accordance with the provisions of Section I.C of Schedule 2 of this Agreement, as said work plan and budget may be modified from time to time with the written agreement of the Bank.

  • Development Candidate means a Compound that meets the Development Candidate Criteria for the initiation of a Development Program for the treatment of CF, and which is the subject of a notice from Vertex to CFFT that Vertex intends to commence formal pre-clinical development of the Compound in the Field pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.1 hereof.