Disciplinary Grievance definition

Disciplinary Grievance. (Section 5.) which involves a suspension without pay, a reduction in pay, a demotion of position or a termination from employment, open to bargaining unit employees so entitled and identified under this article who are not covered under Section 75 or 76 of the New York State Civil Service Law or any other Articles of the New York State Civil Service Law as they relate to employee discipline.
Disciplinary Grievance is an objection to an appointing authority’s /department head suspension without pay, reduction in pay, demotion of position or termination from employment or any other form of discipline not addressed by New York State Civil Service Law Sections 75 and 76 or other New York State Laws regarding employee discipline.
Disciplinary Grievance refers to a grievance involving a suspension, removal, or a reduction in pay or position. Disciplinary grievances must be filed first at Step 2 of the grievance procedure subject to the filing time limits of Step 1.

Examples of Disciplinary Grievance in a sentence

  • The employee’s selection of a representative as indicated on the Disciplinary Grievance Form when filed is final and not subject to change.

  • These actions will be in accordance with the relevant policy, i.e. Disciplinary, Grievance or Dignity at Work.

  • Each investigation will aim to bring to light all relevant facts of a case, whether it is related to a Disciplinary, Grievance or Dignity at Work issue.

  • These Rules apply nationally and in such manner as may be determined from time to time by the JIB National Board.All aspects of the JIB Machinery, including the Disciplinary, Grievance and Conciliation Procedures, are a creation of the constituent Parties: Unite the Union and the ECA.

  • Disciplinary Grievance refers to a grievance involving a suspension or termination.

  • Disciplinary Grievance - refers to a grievance involving a suspension or termination.

  • It provides guidance on all CES model employment contracts and associated documentation such as the CES model workplace policies on Appraisal for Teachers; Appraisal for Support Staff; Capability; Disciplinary; Grievance and Sickness Absence.

  • In many cases, price differences appear to have at least as much to do with the elasticity of demand, and perhaps the political influence, of the user as with the costs of service.

  • The Disciplinary Grievance hearing shall be recorded by or at the direction of a representative from the Human Resources Department.

  • If the Association is not satisfied with the decision of the County Manager / Administrator or his/her designee as it relates to this Disciplinary Grievance it may appeal to PERB for arbitration within ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of the Step 2., subsection 4., decision and thereafter the parties shall be bound by PERB's procedures for arbitration.

More Definitions of Disciplinary Grievance

Disciplinary Grievance means a dispute or disagreement regarding any disciplinary action, discharge, or termination decision
Disciplinary Grievance means a grievance procedure initiated by a Staff Member following the imposition of a Disciplinary Measure pursuant to Section 9 of these Regulations.
Disciplinary Grievance means a dispute or disagreement regarding any disciplinary action, discharge, or termination decision arising under a collective bargaining agreement covering law enforcement personnel.
Disciplinary Grievance means a procedure of review provided for in Article 10 whereby a permanent employee can seek review of a dismissal, demotion or single suspension in excess of thirty (30) calendar days.

Related to Disciplinary Grievance

  • Disciplinary Panel means the panel appointed by the Board at the recommendation of the Chief Regulatory Officer to act in an adjudicative role and fulfill various adjudicative responsibilities and duties described in Chapter 7.

  • Grievance means a complaint in writing that an employee, group of employees, or the Union submits to management, to be processed through the grievance procedure.

  • Disciplinary Action means any action that can be taken on the completion of / during the investigation proceedings including but not limiting to a warning, imposition of fine, suspension from official duties or any such action as is deemed to be fit considering the gravity of the matter.

  • Grievant means an employee or group of employees having the same grievance. In the case of a group of employees, one employee shall be designated by the group to act as spokesperson and to be responsible for processing the grievance.

  • Disciplinary Tribunal means the judicial body established to hear and decide all breaches of the Integrity Code of Conduct in accordance with the Rules and Regulations and such other matters as set out in the Constitution, Rules or Regulations.

  • Grievance Committee means the Grievance Committee of the Bar.

  • Complaints Procedure means the School's procedure for handling complaints from parents, as amended from time to time for legal or other substantive reasons, or in order to assist the proper administration of the School. It does not form part of the contract between you and the School. A copy of the most up-to-date procedure is on the School's website and is otherwise available from the School at any time upon request;