CIVIL SERVICE LAW. Section 1. In accordance with the provisions of Ohio Revised Code section 4117.10 (A), this agreement governs the wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment on all of the subject matters contained herein. It is therefore the intent of the parties that the terms and conditions of this agreement specifically preempt and/or prevail over the statutory rights of public employees as set forth below: Sick Leave / Funeral Leave ORC 124.38; 124.39 Holidays ORC 325.19 Hours of Work/Overtime ORC 4111.03 Vacation Leave ORC 325.19, 9.44 Discipline /Grievance and Arbitration ORC 124.34
Section 2. The members of this bargaining unit shall have no appeal rights regarding matters contained within this agreement to the State Board of Personnel Review.
CIVIL SERVICE LAW. In accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 4117.10(A), the terms and conditions of this Agreement specifically supersede and/or prevail over conflicting provision in the Ohio revised Code and/or the Ohio Administrative Code.
CIVIL SERVICE LAW. 46.01 No section of the Civil Service Laws contained in Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 124.01 et seq. or Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 124-1-01 et seq. shall apply to the employees in the bargaining unit and it is expressly understood and agreed that the Ohio Department of Administrative Services and the State Personnel Board of Review shall have no authority or jurisdiction in any matter related to employees in the bargaining unit.
CIVIL SERVICE LAW. The Committee and the Association agree and recognize that the employees in the bargaining unit are subject to the Civil Service Law. Accordingly, the provisions of Chapter 31 of the Massachusetts General Laws and all rules and regulations promulgated by the Civil Service Commission thereunder shall, as they apply to said employees, be adhered to.
CIVIL SERVICE LAW. 45.1 It is hereby understood and agreed that this Agreement and each and every part thereof is subject to the provision of the New York State Civil Service Law, any rules, regulations, provision, ordinances, resolutions or action of any kind or nature of the State or Local Civil Service Commission or Personnel Officer (all collectively referred to as the "Law") and shall be construed and enforced only to the extent allowable and
CIVIL SERVICE LAW. 53.1 It is hereby understood and agreed that this Agreement and each and every part thereof is subject to the provisions of the New York State Civil Service Law, any rules, regulations, provisions, ordinances, resolutions, or actions of any kind or nature of the State or Local Civil Service Commissioner or Personnel Officer (all collectively referred to as the "Law") and shall be construed and enforced only to the extent allowable and within the limits of the Law, as if such Law were a specific amendment to this Agreement. The application of the Law to this Agreement which results in any change shall in no way give rise to any right by either party to renegotiate any part or all of the Agreement.
CIVIL SERVICE LAW. 1. The Committee and the Association shall recognize and adhere to all Civil Service and State Laws, Rules and Regulations, relative to seniority, promotions, transfers, discharges, removals, and suspensions.
CIVIL SERVICE LAW. Section 1. If an employee, who is a member of the bargaining unit, and is subject to Section 75 of the Civil Service Law, is charged pursuant to this section, he shall be informed in writing, immediately, of his right to representation. If the employee so desires, he shall receive up to five
CIVIL SERVICE LAW. All other relevant provisions of Sections 75 and 76 shall remain in full force and effect. 2016-2020 Page 21 ARTICLE 26 SECTION 207-C PROCEDURE Section 1 Applicability Section 207-c of the General Municipal Law provides that any Police Officer of the Police Department of the Town of Tuxedo, “who is injured in the performance of his duties or who is taken sick as a result of the performance of his duties so as to necessitate medical or other lawful or remedial treatment shall be paid by the municipality by which he is employed the full amount of his regular salary or wages until his disability arising therefrom has ceased and, in addition, such municipality shall be liable for all medical treatment and hospital care necessitated by reason of such injury or illness.0 The following procedures shall regulate the application and benefit award process for 207-c benefits.