Examples of Supporting Materials in a sentence
Supporting Materials: Some community boards provided substantive supplemental information.
Supporting Materials are contained within the Product packaging, with HPE quotes, on indicated web pages or the HPE Partner Portal, or available upon request.
You shall provide your Customers or other HPE Authorized Partners with the relevant Supporting Materials, such as but not limited to (i) product-specific Additional Licensing Authorizations (ALAs), (ii) Support data sheets, (iii) SaaS Service Descriptions, (iv) HPE Data Protection Regulations, (v) XXXX etc.
Supporting Materials contain HPE´s obligations towards the Customer with regard to any transaction with you under this Agreement.
These records may include:• Proxy Committee Communications or Other Materials• Analysis and Supporting Materials of Investment Management Personnel Concerning Proxy Decisions and Recommendations• Conflicts of Interest Review Documentation, including Conflicts of Interest Forms• Client Communications Regarding Proxy Matters Records should be retained for a period of not less than six years.