Does Not Meet Standard definition

Does Not Meet Standard. The school’s average High-Needs proficiency rate is below the statewide average High-Needs performance of schools serving the same grades but is above the bottom 20 percent.
Does Not Meet Standard. The school's median student growth percentile in math is below the average for alternative schools but is above the bottom 20%. 15 Falls Far Below Standard: The school's median student growth percentile in math is in the bottom 20% of alternative schools. 0 Notes This measure will be evaluated using grades 6 - 7, 7 -8, and/or 8 - 10, as applicable. 0 Measure 4b Are students making expected academic growth in English Language Arts compared to their academic peers? Result Points Possible Points Earned Norm-Referenced Growth
Does Not Meet Standard. The school's median student growth percentile in ELA is below the average for alternative schools but is above the bottom 20%. 15 Falls Far Below Standard: The school's median student growth percentile in ELA is in the bottom 20% of alternative schools. 0 Notes This measure will be evaluated using grades 6 - 7, 7 - 8, and/or 8 - 10, as applicable. 0 ALTERNATIVE ACADEMIC ALTERNATIVE INDICATOR 5: COLLEGE & CAREER READINESS (GRADES 9-12) Alt Measure 5a Are students graduating from high school? Result Points Possible Points Earned Five-Year Cohort

Examples of Does Not Meet Standard in a sentence

  • Does Not Meet Standard: The school's proficiency rate in math is 1 - 15 percentage points lower than the district average.

More Definitions of Does Not Meet Standard

Does Not Meet Standard. The school's board fails to practice consistent, effective oversight of the school, and/or documentation of competent oversight practices and actions is not maintained. The school's policy book may be incomplete, unmaintained, or non-existent. 0 Notes 0 OPERATIONAL Measure 3c Is the school complying with reporting requirements? Result Points Possible Points Earned
Does Not Meet Standard. School is in default of loan covenant(s), is delinquent with debt service payments or the school has any outstanding debt 0 SUSTAINABILITY MEASURES Measure 1e, Efficiency Margin: (Change in Net Assets+Change in Pension Related Accts) divided by Total Revenues Does the school manage costs appropriately? Points Available Meets Standard: • Aggregated Three-Year Efficiency Margin is greater than 0. 15 Approaches Standard: • Aggregated Three-Year Efficiency Margin is between -.01 and -10 percent 10 Does Not Meet Standard: • Aggregated Three-Year Efficiency Margin is less than -10 percent 0 Measure 1f, Debt to Asset Ratio: (Total Liabilities-Deferred Pension Liability) divided by Total Assets Does the school maintain an appropriate balance between assets and liabilities over time? Points Available Meets Standard: • Debt to Asset Ratio is less than 95 percent 20 Approaches Standard: • Debt to Asset Ratio is between 95 and 100 percent 10 Does Not Meet Standard: • Debt to Asset Ratio is greater than 100 percent 0 Total Points Available—Indicator 1: 100 points SECTION II, INDICATOR 2: FISCAL MANAGEMENT & OVERSIGHT‌ Measure 2a, Adherence to GAAP Standards Is the school following Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)? Points Available Meets Standard: • The school complied with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to financial management and oversight expectations as evidenced by an annual independent audit that includes: o An unqualified audit opinion; o An audit devoid of significant findings and conditions, material weaknesses, or significant internal control weaknesses; o An audit that does not include a going concern disclosure in the notes or an explanatory paragraph; and o No other adverse statement indicating noncompliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and provisions of the charter contract relating to financial management and oversight. 20
Does Not Meet Standard is reached when fewer of the majority of the objectives in the standard are rated at “Satisfactory or above”. An overall evaluation rating of “Does Not Meet Standards” shall mean that the unit member is not performing at the level of “Meets Standard” on at least two (2) of the three (3) selected standards.
Does Not Meet Standard means that the unit member is not performing at “Meets Standard” on at least two (2) of the three (3) selected standards. Permanent certificated personnel, who as a result of their written Preliminary Summary in January, “Meet Standards”, as determined by the Prime Evaluator, shall not undergo continued evaluation for the balance of that school year. In such cases, permanent unit members will have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Prime Evaluator that their service has met the standards for the present formal evaluation year. Observation Evaluation Rating: (check one)  Unit member’s rating is “Meets Standards”  Unit member’s rating is “Does Not Meet Standards”  Unit member’s overall evaluation rating is “Does Not Meet Standards” and he/she requires an additional observation For those with Permanent Status:  Unit Member’s overall evaluation rating is “Meets Standards” and he/she shall not undergo continued evaluation for the balance of the school year Evaluator’s Signature Date Evaluatee’s Signature Date PUSD/PEA FORM 3: Observation Form for Administrators, Page 1 of 13 Standard 1: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning The level of “Meets Standard” is reached when at least four (4) of the objectives in the standard are rated at “Satisfactory or above”.
Does Not Meet Standard. The school submitted its financial audit late, after December 1st. 0 Total Points AvailableIndicator 2: 100 points SECTION III: OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE‌ FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION Is the organization effective, compliant, and well-run?
Does Not Meet Standard. The school's math proficiency rate is below the average but above the bottom 20% of alternative schools statewide, and the school's proficiency rate is higher than 0%. 15 Falls Far Below Standard: The school's math proficiency rate is 0% or is in the bottom 20% of alternative schools. 0 Notes 0 Alt Measure 2b Do English Language Arts proficiency rates meet or exceed the state average for alternative schools? Result Points Possible Points Earned ELA Proficiency Rate
Does Not Meet Standard. The school's ELA proficiency rate is below the average for alternative schools but above the bottom 20% of alternative schools statewide, and the school's proficiency rate is higher than 0%. 15 Falls Far Below Standard: The school's ELA proficiency rate is 0% or is in the bottom 20% of alternative schools. 0 Notes 0 ALTERNATIVE ACADEMIC ALTERNATIVE INDICATOR 4: STUDENT GROWTH COMPARISON Alt Measure 4a Are students making expected academic growth in math compared to their academic peers? Result Points Possible Points Earned Norm-Referenced Growth