Root Cause Analysis Report means a report addressing a problem or non-conformance, in order to get to the ‘root cause’ of the problem, which thereby assists in correcting or eliminating the cause, and prevent the problem from recurring.
Patient counseling means the written and oral communication by the pharmacist
Encounter means a record of a medically-related service rendered by an AHCCCS-registered provider to a member enrolled with a contractor on the date of service.
Environmental Assessment Act means the Environmental Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E.18.
Qualified Engineer means a Professional Engineer other than an "Experienced Engineer" as hereinafter defined; that is, it shall mean a person who is, or is qualified to become, a graduate member of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.
Co-occurring disorder specialist means an individual
Substantiated report means a report of sexual conduct that TSPC or ODE determines is founded.
Data Protection Impact Assessment means an assessment by the Controller of the impact of the envisaged processing on the protection of Personal Data.
Elevated blood lead level (EBL) means an excessive absorption of lead that is a confirmed concentration of lead in whole blood of 20 µg/dl (micrograms of lead per deciliter of whole blood) for a single venous test or of 15-19 µg/dl in two consecutive tests taken three to four months apart.
Work ethic camp means an alternative incarceration program
CMSA Operating Statement Analysis Report means a report substantially in the form of, and containing the information called for in, the downloadable form of the "Operating Statement Analysis Report" available as of the Closing Date on the CMSA Website or in such other form for the presentation of such information and containing such additional information as may from time to time be approved by the CMSA for commercial mortgage-backed securities transactions generally.
Evaluation Criteria means the criteria set out under the clause 27 (Evaluation Process) of this Part C, which includes the Qualifying Criteria, Functional Criteria and Price and Preferential Points Assessment.
Sound level meter means an instrument which includes a microphone, amplifier, RMS detector, integrator or time averager, output meter, and weighting networks used to measure sound pressure levels.
Nomination Criteria means the criteria made up of the Over-Riding Nomination Criteria andthe Specific Nomination Factors, and is also referred to as “this Criteria”.
Examination Criteria means the loan classification criteria employed by, or any applicable regulations of, the Assuming Institution’s Chartering Authority at the time such action is taken, as such criteria may be amended from time to time.
Root Cause Analysis means a method of problem solving designed to identify the underlying causes of a problem. The focus of a root cause analysis is on systems, processes, and outcomes that require change to reduce the risk of harm.
Presidential elector certifying official means the state official or body that is
relevant and reasoned objection means an objection to a draft decision as to whether there is an infringement of this Regulation, or whether envisaged action in relation to the controller or processor complies with this Regulation, which clearly demonstrates the significance of the risks posed by the draft decision as regards the fundamental rights and freedoms of data subjects and, where applicable, the free flow of personal data within the Union;
Area Control Error or “ACE” shall mean the instantaneous difference between a Balancing Authority’s net actual and scheduled interchange, taking into account the effects of Frequency Bias and correction for meter error.
Functional behavioral assessment means an individualized assessment of the student that results in a team hypothesis about the function of a student’s behavior and, as appropriate, recommendations for a behavior intervention plan.
Environmental and Social Management Framework or “ESMF” means the environmental and social management framework of the Project States dated March 31, 2005, and amended on August 4, 2008, which, inter alia, sets forth the environmental and social safeguards applicable to the Project, including the identification, assessment and mitigation of potential environmental, resettlement, and social impacts arising from carrying out Project activities, measures to protect cultural property, proposed management and mitigation measures, and the relevant institutional framework required, as updated by the Project States from time to time in a manner satisfactory to the Association;
Environmental and Social Management Plan or “ESMP” means a site-specific environmental and social management plan to be prepared in accordance with the parameters laid down in the ESMF and acceptable to the Association, setting forth a set of mitigation, monitoring, and institutional measures to be taken during the implementation and operation of the Project activities to eliminate adverse environmental and social impacts, offset them, or reduce them to acceptable levels, and including the actions needed to implement these measures.
Over-Riding Nomination Criteria means the criteria set out in clause 4.2.
CREFC® Operating Statement Analysis Report The monthly report in the “Operating Statement Analysis Report” format substantially in the form of and containing the information called for therein for the Mortgage Loans, or such other form for the presentation of such information as may be approved from time to time by the CREFC® for commercial mortgage securities transactions generally.
Utilization review plan or "plan" means a written procedure for performing review.
Performance Test means all operational checks and tests required to determine the performance parameters including inter-alia capacity, efficiency and operating characteristics of the Stores as specified in the Contract.