Review Procedure If the Plan Administrator denies part or all of the claim, the claimant shall have the opportunity for a full and fair review by the Plan Administrator of the denial, as follows:
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Section 1. A “grievance” is hereby defined as a complaint by an employee or a group of employees based upon an alleged violation of the provisions of this Agreement, or a difference as to the interpretation or application of this Agreement. Section 2. Union representatives shall notify an employee’s immediate supervisor or other designated individual, that the employee has requested union representation to investigate a grievance. If the employee can be released at that time the supervisor will release the employee to talk to the union representative. If because of the immediate nature of the employee’s work, i.e., the employee cannot be released at that time, the supervisor will release the employee as soon as possible. The supervisor shall explain to the union representative the nature of the emergency and confirm the explanation in writing, if requested. The employee will not be released for longer than ten (10) minutes per shift. Once the investigation has stopped the union representative will notify the supervisor or designated representative that the employee has returned to work. To the extent practicable, the union representative handling the grievance investigation during working hours will be the xxxxxxx on an alternate shift so that the xxxxxxx will not have to be released from work. If the meeting needs to go beyond the ten (10) minute limitation, the union representative will notify the supervisor, and the employee will punch in and punch out for the remainder of the meeting, but may work beyond his/her shift to make up this lost time. If this procedure is abused by the District or the Union, then one party will notify the other and the Union and the District will meet to modify or negotiate a new agreement, if necessary. Section 3. It is recognized that grievances should be processed as rapidly as possible, and the number of days indicated at each step of the grievance procedure shall be the maximum time allowed for presenting a grievance. The time limits specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement in writing. Section 4. All grievances shall be presented in accordance with the following procedure: STEP ONE: Within a five (5) working‐day period of a grievance, or knowledge of a grievance, employees may present a grievance personally, or through their Union representative, to their immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor shall attempt to adjust the matter as soon as possible, and in any event within three (3) working days.