Executing Official definition

Executing Official means the Navajo Nation President or Division of Economic Development Division Director, if properly delegated, who shall execute all business site leases on the Navajo Nation and take all necessary and proper action on leases and subleases including amendments, modifications, assignments and cancellations of leases and subleases.
Executing Official means the delegated official of the Authority who shall execute all Business Site Leases on behalf of the Tribe and take all necessary and proper action on leases and subleases including amendments, modifications, assignments and cancellations of leases and subleases. (m) “Fair Annual Lease Value” means the most probable dollar amount a property should bring in a competitive and open market reflecting all conditions and restrictions of the specified lease agreement including term, rental adjustment and revaluation, permitted uses, use restrictions, and expense obligations. (n) “Holdover” means circumstances in which a Lessee remains in possession of the leased premises after the lease term expires. (o) “Leasehold Mortgage” means a mortgage, deed of trust or other instrument that pledges a lessee’s leasehold interest as security for a debt or other obligation owed by a Lessee under the lease. (p) “Leasing Decision” in the context of the Environmental Review Process means the following type of lease transactions that will be acted on by the Authority: lease issuance, lease amendment or modification, subleasing, lease assignment or transfer, and tenant leases. (q) “Lessee” means a person or entity who has acquired a legal right to possess Tribal Land by entering into a Business Site Lease pursuant to this Ordinance. (r) “Lessor” means the Tribe, and the Authority, acting pursuant to authority delegated by the Tribe, who conveys the right to use and occupy Tribal Land under a Business Site Lease. (s) “LTRO” means the Land Titles and Records Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. (t) “Project” means any economic development activity or project occurring or intended to occur on Tribal Land pursuant to a Business Site Lease. (u) “Public” means, for purposes of the Environmental Review Process, any person or entity with the potential to be significantly affected by the Business Site Lease or the lease activity. (v) “Significant Effect on the Environment” means a substantial, or potentially substantial, adverse change in the environment, including land, air, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ambient noise, cultural areas and objects of historic, cultural or aesthetic significance. (w) “Sublease” means a written agreement by which the Lessee grants to a Sublessee a right to possession no greater than that held by the Lessee under a Business Site Lease. (x) “Sublessee” is an individual or entity to whom the lessee grants a right to possession no greater than that held ...
Executing Official means the President of the Navajo Nation, or his authorized designee, who will sign all appropriate business site lease documents on behalf of the Navajo Nation.

Examples of Executing Official in a sentence

  • Within constraints imposed by the Political Reform Act and Public Contract Code §§10515 et seq., each Executing Official or designee is delegated authority to approve exceptions to this Policy under unusual or extenuating circumstances.

  • Executed this day of , 20 by (Type or Print Name) (Title of Executing Official) (Signature of Executing Official) (Name of organization/applicant) 2.

  • Please provide a copy for closing and mail the original to the IRS at the following address (pre-paid UPS label will be provided upon request): Internal Revenue Service Center Department of Treasury1973 Rulon White Blvd Ogden, UT 84201-1000 🞏 Vehicle Titling Memo 🞏 Escrow Agreement – This document needs to be executed by the Executing Official defined in the Lessee’s Certificate – Exhibit 3.

  • The populations taken are 15 contractors consisting of directors, Site Manager and Field Supervisors from the owners as many as 19 people consisting of The Commitment Maker Official/Activity Technical Executing Official (PPK/PPTK), field coordinator and field supervisor.

  • Please provide a copy for closing and mail the original to the IRS at the following address (pre-paid UPS label will be provided upon request): Internal Revenue Service Center Department of Treasury1973 Rulon White Blvd Ogden, UT 84201-1000  Vehicle Titling Memo  Escrow Agreement – This document needs to be executed by the Executing Official defined in the Lessee’s Certificate – Exhibit 3.

More Definitions of Executing Official

Executing Official means the Tribal Chairman or, in the Tribal Chairman’s absence, the Tribal Vice-Chair. The Executing Official shall execute all approved Business Site Leases, subleases, amendments, modifications, assignments, terminations and cancellations of Leases and subleases on behalf of the Tribe.
Executing Official means the Chairman of the Tribe or his designee who is authorized by the Approving Entity to execute leases, subleases, amendments or assignments.
Executing Official means the Tribal Chairperson or his or her properly authorized delegate, who shall execute all Business Site Lease of the Tribe and take all necessary and proper action on leases and subleases including amendments, modifications, assignments and cancellations of leases and subleases.
Executing Official means the Tribal Chairperson or other delegate authorized by the Approving Entity.
Executing Official. - means the President of the Bay Mills Indian Community with the authority to execute Residential, Agricultural, Business, Public/Religious/Recreational, and Wind and Solar Resource leases on Tribal Trust Land of the Bay Mills Indian Community, of that office holder designated to act in the President’s absence by the Constitution of the Bay Mills Indian Community. This authority is subject to the necessary approvals of the lease.
Executing Official means the Miccosukee Business Council Member that executes all approved Business Site Leases, subleases, amendments, modifications, assignments, terminations and cancellations of Leases and subleases.
Executing Official means an officer of the Tribal Council who is authorized pursuant to these Regulations to take all necessary action on Leases or Subleases, including execution, amendments and assignments of the same.