Health care plan means any contract, policy or other arrangement for benefits or services for medical or dental care or treatment under:
Qualified health care provider means a health care provider who:
Managed health care system means: (a) Any health care
Federal Health Care Program means any “federal health care program” as defined in 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b(f), including Medicare, state Medicaid programs, state CHIP programs, TRICARE and similar or successor programs with or for the benefit of any Governmental Authority.
Licensed health care provider means a physician, physician assistant, chiropractor, advanced registered nurse practitioner, nurse, physical therapist, or athletic trainer licensed by a board.
Licensed health care practitioner means a physician, as defined in Section 1861(r)(1) of the Social Security Act, a registered professional nurse, licensed social worker or other individual who meets requirements prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury.
Licensed health care professional means a person who possesses a professional medical license that is valid in Oregon. Examples include, but are not limited to, a registered nurse (RN), nurse practitioner (NP), licensed practical nurse (LPN), medical doctor (MD), osteopathic physician (DO), respiratory therapist (RT), physical therapist (PT), physician assistant (PA), or occupational therapist (OT).
Allied Health Professional means a person registered as an allied health professional with the Health Professions Council;
Health care worker means a person other than a health care professional who provides medical, dental, or other health-related care or treatment under the direction of a health care professional with the authority to direct that individual's activities, including medical technicians, medical assistants, dental assistants, orderlies, aides, and individuals acting in similar capacities.
Care Plan means a licensee's written description of a resident's needs, preferences, and capabilities, including by whom, when, and how often care and services are to be provided.
Home Health Care means the continual care and treatment of an individual if:
Community mental health program means all mental health
Provider of health care means a physician or physician assistant licensed pursuant to chapter 630, 630A or 633 of NRS, perfusionist, dentist, licensed nurse, dispensing optician, optometrist, practitioner of respiratory care, registered physical therapist, podiatric physician, licensed psychologist, licensed audiologist, licensed speech-language pathologist, licensed hearing aid specialist, licensed marriage and family therapist, licensed clinical professional counselor, chiropractor, licensed dietitian or doctor of Oriental medicine in any form.
Health care decision means any decision regarding the health care of the prospective donor.
Qualified health plan means a health benefit plan that has in effect a certification that the plan
Health care provider or "provider" means:
Health care practitioner means an individual or firm licensed or certified to engage actively in a regulated health profession.
Home Health Care Agency means an agency or organization which provides a program of home health care and which:
Indian Health Care Provider means a health care program
Health carrier or "carrier" means a disability insurer
Participating Retail Health Clinic means a Retail Health Clinic which has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Rural health clinic means a rural health clinic as defined under section 1861 of part C of title XVIII of the social security act, chapter 531, 49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. 1395x, and certified to participate in medicaid and medicare.
Federally Qualified Health Center means a non-administrative medical facility with a fixed permanent location that is identified on the following search engines and offers health services on a sliding scale payment system: or or
Health Care Operations shall have the meaning given to such term under the HIPAA 2 Privacy Rule in 45 CFR § 164.501.
Health Canada means the section of the Canadian Government known as Health Canada and includes, among other departments, the Therapeutic Products Directorate and the Health Products and Food Branch Inspectorate;
Psychiatric hospital means an Institution constituted, licensed, and operated as set forth in the laws that apply to Hospitals, which meets all of the following requirements: