Fulfilment of Obligations Sample Clauses

Fulfilment of Obligations. The Parties shall take any general or specific measures required to fulfil their obligations under this Agreement.
Fulfilment of Obligations. 1. The Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure the achievement of the objectives of this Agreement and the fulfilment of their obligations under this Agreement. 2. If either Party considers that the other Party has failed to fulfil an obligation under this Agreement, the Party concerned may take the appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 21 of this Agreement.
Fulfilment of Obligations. 1. The Parties shall adopt any general or specific measures required for them to fulfil their obligations under this Agreement, and shall ensure that they comply with the objectives laid down in this Agreement. 2. If a Party considers that another Party has failed to fulfil an obligation under this Agreement, it may have recourse to appropriate measures. Before doing so, except in cases of special urgency, it shall submit to the Joint Council within 30 days all relevant information required for a thorough examination of the situation with a view to seeking a solution acceptable to the Parties. In selecting which measures to adopt, priority shall be given to those which are least disruptive to the implementation of this Agreement. Such measures shall be notified immediately to the other Party and shall be the subject of consultations in the Joint Committee if the other Party so requests. 3. The Parties agree that the term "cases of special urgency" in paragraph 2 means a case of material breach of this Agreement by one of the Parties. The Parties further agree that the term "appropriate measures" referred to in paragraph 2 means measures taken in accordance with international law. It is understood that suspension would be a measure of last resort. A material breach of this Agreement consists in: (a) repudiation of all or part of this Agreement not sanctioned by general rules of international law; (b) violation of the essential elements of this Agreement, as described in Article 1(5) and Article 7. 4. If a Party has recourse to a measure in a case of special urgency, the other Party may request that an urgent meeting be called to convene the Parties within 15 days.
Fulfilment of Obligations. 1. The Contracting Parties shall take any measures required to fulfil their obligations under this Agreement to ensure that the objectives set out in this Agreement are attained. 2. If one Contracting Party considers that the other Contracting Party has failed to fulfil an obligation under this Agreement, the Contracting Party concerned may take appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 30 of this Agreement.
Fulfilment of Obligations. 1. The Parties shall take any general or specific measures required to fulfil their obligations under this Agreement and shall ensure that they comply with the objectives and purposes laid down in this Agreement. 2. If either Party considers that the other Party has failed to fulfil any of its obligations under this Agreement it may take appropriate measures. 3. Before doing so, except in cases of a material breach of the Agreement, it shall present to the Joint Committee all the relevant information required for a thorough examination of the situation with a view to seeking a solution acceptable to the Parties. 4. The Parties agree that for the purpose of the correct interpretation and practical application of this Agreement, the term "appropriate measures" as referred to in Article 57(2) means measures taken in accordance with international law which are proportionate to the failure to implement obligations under this Agreement. In the selection of these measures, priority must be given to those which least disturb the functioning of this Agreement. These measures shall be notified immediately to the other Party and shall be the subject of consultations within the Joint Committee if the other Party so requests.
Fulfilment of Obligations. 1. In the spirit of mutual respect and cooperation embodied by this Agreement, the Parties shall take the general or specific measures required to fulfil their obligations under this Agreement. 2. Should any questions or differences arise in the implementation or interpretation of this Agreement, the Parties shall strengthen their efforts to consult and cooperate in order to resolve the issues in a timely and amicable manner. At the request of either Party, questions or differences shall be referred to the JCC for further discussion and study. The Parties may also jointly decide to refer these matters to special sub-committees reporting to the JCC. The Parties shall ensure that the JCC or the appointed sub-committee meets within a reasonable amount of time to seek to resolve any differences in the implementation or interpretation of this Agreement through early communication, a thorough examination of the facts, including expert advice and scientific evidence as appropriate, and effective dialogue. 3. Reaffirming their strong shared commitment to human rights and non-proliferation, the Parties consider that a particularly serious and substantial violation of the obligations described in Articles 2(1) and 3(2) may be addressed as a case of special urgency. The Parties consider that, for a situation to constitute a “particularly serious and substantial violation” of Article 2(1), its gravity and nature would have to be of an exceptional sort such as a coup d’État or grave crimes that threaten the peace, security and well-being of the international community. 4. In cases where a situation occurring in a third country could be considered equivalent in gravity and nature to a case of special urgency, the Parties shall endeavour to hold urgent consultations, at the request of either Party, to exchange views on the situation and consider possible responses. 5. In the unlikely and unexpected event that a case of special urgency occurs in the territory of one of the Parties, either Party may seize the JMC of the matter. The JMC may ask the JCC to hold urgent consultations within 15 days. The Parties shall provide the relevant information and evidence required for a thorough examination and a timely and effective resolution of the situation. Should the JCC be unable to resolve the situation, it may submit the matter to the JMC for urgent consideration. (a) In a case of special urgency where the JMC is unable to resolve the situation, either Party may decide to suspe...
Fulfilment of Obligations. Each Party is fully responsible for the observance of all provisions in this Agreement and shall take such reasonable measures as may be available to it to ensure their observance by, as applicable, its regional and local governments and authorities, and non-governmental bodies in the exercise of governmental powers delegated to them within its territory.
Fulfilment of Obligations. 1. The Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure the achievement of the objectives of this Agreement and the fulfilment of their obligations under this Agreement. 2. If an EFTA State considers that Jordan has, or if Jordan considers that an EFTA State has failed to fulfil an obligation under this Agreement, the Party concerned may take the appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 25.
Fulfilment of Obligations. 1. The Parties shall take any general or specific measures required to fulfil their obligations under this Agreement. They shall see to it that the aims set out in this Agreement are attained. 2. In accordance with Article 52(1)(d), either Party may refer to the Joint Committee any divergence in the application or interpretation of this Agreement. 3. If either Party considers that the other Party has failed to fulfil any of its obligations under this Agreement, it may take appropriate measures in accordance with international law. 4. Before taking appropriate measures referred to in paragraph 3, except in the cases referred to in paragraph 5, such Party shall present to the Joint Committee all the relevant information required for a thorough examination of the situation with a view to seeking a solution acceptable to the Parties. The Parties shall hold consultations under the auspices of the Joint Committee. Where the Joint Committee is unable to reach a mutually acceptable solution, such Party may take appropriate measures. 5. If either Party has serious grounds to consider that the other Party has failed to fulfil in a substantial manner any of the obligations that are described as essential elements in Articles 1(1) and 3(1), it shall immediately notify the other Party of such non-fulfilment. At the request of either Party, the Joint Committee, or another body designated by mutual agreement of the Parties, shall hold immediate consultations within a period of up to 30 days for a thorough examination of any aspect of, or the basis for, the measure with a view to seeking a solution acceptable to the Parties. After that period, the notifying Party may apply appropriate measures. 6. In the selection of the appropriate measures, priority must be given to those which least disturb the functioning of this Agreement or, as the case may be, of any other specific agreement referred to in Article 53(1). Such measures shall be temporary in nature and proportionate to the violation with a view to encouraging the eventual fulfilment of the obligations. For the purposes of paragraph 4, "appropriate measures" may include the suspension of this Agreement, in whole or in part. For the purposes of paragraph 5, "appropriate measures" may include the suspension of this Agreement, in whole or in part, or of any specific agreement referred to in Article 53(1). The decision to suspend would be taken by each Party in accordance with their respective laws and regulations. 7. Eit...
Fulfilment of Obligations. 1. The Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure the achievement of the objectives of this Agreement and the fulfilment of their obligations under this Agreement. 2. If an EFTA State considers that Macedonia has, or if Macedonia considers that an EFTA State has failed to fulfil an obligation under this Agreement, the Party concerned may take the appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 24 (Procedure for the application of safeguard measures).