Examples of Green field in a sentence
Applicant (s) / Legal entity Name2.Constitution / Applicant nature / beneficiary3.NHB Scheme for which DPR is made4.Project Activity5.Nature of project- Green field/ pre-existing- expansion / componentspecific6.Products, By-products and services7.Land1.
Applicant (s)/ Legal entityName2.Constitution / Applicant nature / beneficiary3.NHB Scheme for which DPR is made4.Project Activity5.Nature of project- Green field/ pre-existing- expansion / componentspecific6.Products, By-products and services7.Land1.
Wells KB, Stewart A, Hays RD, Burnam MA, Rogers W, Daniels M, Berry S, Green- field S, Ware J.
Applicant (s)/ Legal entity Name2.Constitution / Applicant nature / beneficiary3.NHB Scheme for which DPR is made4.Project Activity5.Nature of project- Green field/ pre-existing- expansion / componentspecific6.Products, By-products and services7.Land1.
A business strategy where a domestic firm expands its operations to a foreign country either via a Green field investment, merger/acquisition and/or expansion of an existing foreign facility.
Green field sites and those within or close to sensitive landscapes will be particularly important, including the strategic site at the Ipswich fringe.
Introduction: Complexities and issues in financial decisions of a multinational firm: Foreign investment decisions: Exchange rate movement and decision to invest: Foreign direct investment theories and strategies: Green field investment vs.
Royall, “Temperature as an external fieldfor colloid-polymer mixtures: ‘Quenching’ by heating and ‘melting’ by cooling,” J.
However, high end gamers will not have higher verbal creativity because video games have only been show to increase visual-spatial skills and nonverbal problem solving (Greenfield, 1996; Subrahmanyam, Green- field, Kraut, & Gross, 2001) but not verbal problem solving.IJoDRVideo games, dream bizarreness, and creativity Fifth, when all three variables are combined (video game play, dream bizarreness, and creativity) dream bizarreness will be associated with creativity for high-end gamers.
A cluster based development strategy is continued to be adopted for developing Green field textile and garment industry parks in the State.