Group Staff definition

Group Staff means staff of the Group who are licensed with the SFC or registered as relevant individuals with the HKMA. 「本集團僱員」指本集團已獲證監會或金管局註冊/登記的僱員。 ** “Related Accounts” includes the Accounts of the minor children or in which beneficial interest is owned by a Group staff as described above. 「關連賬戶」包括本集團僱員子女的賬戶或其本人是利益擁有者的賬戶。 RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER SECURITIES HOUSE/REGISTERED INSTITUTION 跟其他證券公司/註冊機構的關連 Is any of the Client a licensed person employed by another Securities House or a registered relevant individual employed by a Registered Institution? 客戶是否受僱於其他證券公司/或其他註冊機構 □ No 否 □ Yes*** 是 (If Yes, employer’s name: position: ) 如是, 僱主名稱: 職位: *** The Client understands that under the requirements of the SFC Code, a written consent must be obtained by [CTBC from my/our Employer prior to operating on my/our new Account. In addition, if no response has been received from my/our Employer or objection has been received within 14 days, [CTBC will deem that a formal objection has been received from my/our Employer and will not proceed with the opening of the Account accordingly. ***客戶明白,根據《SFC 操守準則》,於本人/吾等可營運賬戶前,[CTBC]必先獲得本人/吾等僱主書面同意。而且,若[CTBC]未有於 14 天內收到本人/吾等僱主回應,則視為本人/吾等僱主已正式提出反對,本人/吾等亦因此不能開立賬戶。 DECLARATION 4: Relationship with listed companies 聲明 4: 與上市公司關係 Are you or your spouse/dependent children a shareholder or director of any listed company in any jurisdiction? 客戶/客戶配偶/子女是否為任何國家/地區上市公司的股東/董事? Note: It is the personal obligation for customer to comply with insider dealing laws in any applicable jurisdiction. 注意:客戶有個人責任遵守任何適用國家/地區內幕交易法規。 No 否 Yes 是 Shareholder/ Director Name(s) 股東/董事名稱 Listed Company Name(s) 上市公司名稱 Shareholding(s)/ Directorship(s) 持股量/董事職務 根據《證券及期貨(客戶款項)規則》所設立的常設授權 本授權根據(證券及期貨(客戶款項)規則),涵蓋中國信託綜合證券(香港)有限公司(下稱「中國信託」)爲我/我們在香港持有或收取並存放於一個或多個獨立賬戶內的款項(包括因持有但並非屬於中國信託的款項而產生之任何利息)(下稱「款項」)。 This authority is given pursuant to the Securities and Futures (Client Money) Rules, which covers money held or received by CTBC Asia Ltd ("CAL") in Hong Kong(including any interest derived from holding the money which does not belong to CAL) in one or more segregated account(s) on my/our behalf ("Monies"). 我/我們授權中國信託可依其絕對酌情權按下列方式行事,而無須向我/我們發出事先通知或通知,亦無須向我/我們事先取得任何授權或指示: I/We hereby authorize CAL in its sole discretion to act any of the following, without giving me/us any prior notice or notice or obtain my/our prior confirmation or direction:
Group Staff means any employees, workers, directors or officers of the Group;
Group Staff means staff of the Group who are licensed traders in Taiwan or Hong Kong.

Examples of Group Staff in a sentence

  • The Graduate Group Staff assists students with identifying appointments and general university policies.The Mentoring Guidelines are appended to this document as Appendix C.

  • Personal securities transactions in the securities of Schroders plc are subject to blackout periods and other restrictions which are outlined in the Schroder London Group Staff Handbook.

  • The Graduate Group Staff assists students with identifying appointments and general university policies.

  • Notification: [Organization] Executive Management, all The PMC Group Staff, As-Needed Employees and Consultants, where client owned systems are involved, The PMC Group system owner is notified.

  • This Agreement is between Nationwide and the Nationwide Group Staff Union (Union).

  • A Chair of the Peer Review Services shall also be appointed by the President or his/her designee based on a joint recommendation from the World Bank Group Human Resources Vice President and the World Bank Group Staff Association.

  • Information Security Policy set outs Group technical and physical safeguards for protection of confidential information including the personal data, roles and responsibilities of the key Group Staff, employee discipline and termination procedures and acceptable use policy (the “Information Security Policy”).

  • Is a member of the Group Staff and will be assigned to Alpha Flight.

  • For further information, all staff must follow the global Study Group Staff Code of Conduct.

  • Group Staff Group Staff positions are listed in the Unit Manning Document (UMD).

Related to Group Staff

  • Key Staff means staff in positions of executive or managerial responsibility and/or whose performance affects the viability of the business;

  • Medical Staff means all physicians, dentists, oral surgeons, and podiatrists who have been appointed to the Medical Staff by the Board.

  • MEDICAL STAFF LEADER means any Medical Staff Officer, department chair, section chief, and committee chair.

  • Senior Management Team means (a) each Authorized Officer, the chief executive officer, secretary and (b) any chief executive officer, president, vice president, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of any Subsidiary Guarantor.

  • Vendor Staff means any of Vendor’s employees, agents, subcontractors or representatives who: (a) provide the Services; or, (b) have access to Citizens Confidential Information.

  • Support staff means those staff holding a Part-66 aircraft maintenance licence in category B1, B2 and/or B3 with the appropriate aircraft ratings, working in a base maintenance environment while not necessarily holding certification privileges.

  • Corporate Group means the Corporation and its Subsidiaries treated as a single consolidated entity.

  • Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) means

  • Teaching Staff means teachers and the principal or head teacher employed at the Academy.

  • Management Team means Xxxxxx X. X’Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx, Xx. and Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxxx.

  • Group health plan means an employee welfare benefit plan as defined in section 3(1) of subtitle A of title I of the employee retirement income security act of 1974, Public Law 93-406, 29 USC 1002, to the extent that the plan provides medical care, including items and services paid for as medical care to employees or their dependents as defined under the terms of the plan directly or through insurance, reimbursement, or otherwise.

  • Management Group means at any time, the Chairman of the board of directors, the Chief Executive Officer, the President, any Managing Director, Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President or Vice President, any Treasurer and any Secretary of Holdings or other executive officer of Holdings or any Subsidiary of Holdings at such time.

  • Program Staff means a person employed by the local program who is knowledgeable in a particular subject matter. For the purposes of the complaint process, program staff may not be involved in a specific complaint prior to the receipt of the complaint or the request for a review of the complaint.

  • Executive Management means the CEO and the CFO for purposes of administering this Plan.

  • Dental Staff means the Dentists who have been appointed by the Board to the Dental Staff;

  • Senior Management Personnel means personnel of the company who are members of its core management team excluding Board of Directors. Normally, this would comprise all members of management one level below the executive directors, including all functional heads.

  • Senior Staff means persons in the position of General Manager, Director of Nursing, or equivalent positions at a relevant Health Unit.

  • Group-wide supervisor means the commissioner or other regulatory official designated as the group-wide supervisor for an internationally active insurance group under Section 31A-16-108.6.

  • Training manager means the individual responsible for administering a training program and monitoring the performance of principal instructors and guest instructors.

  • Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) means Key Managerial Personnel as defined in sub-section (51) of section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013 i.e.-

  • Key Management Personnel means persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Company, directly or indirectly, including any Director (whether executive or otherwise) of the Company;

  • Senior Management means personnel of the Company who are members of its core management team excluding Board of Directors. This would include all members of management one level below the executive directors, including all the functional heads.

  • member of staff means a person appointed to or holding a paid office or employment under the authority; and

  • Asset Management Company/UTI AMC/AMC/Investment Manager means the UTI Asset Management Company Limited incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, (1 of 1956) replaced by The Companies Act, 2013 (No. 18 of 2013) and approved as such by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) under sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 21 to act as the Investment Manager to the schemes of UTI Mutual Fund;

  • Project Staff means the personnel of Contractor and Subcontractors who provide the Work.

  • Senior Managerial Personnel means the personnel of the company who are members of its core management team excluding Board of Directors. Normally, this would comprise all members of management of rank equivalent to General Manager and above, including all functional heads.