Examples of Individualized services in a sentence
Individualized services include career and vocational counseling.
Individualized services for youth may be provided as resources allow, at the discretion of the CCBYS agency, and based on the individualized needs of the youth in the community.
Individualized services must be offered as appropriate to either or both the reporting and responding parties involved in an alleged incident of sexual misconduct.
Under the WIOA there are two levels of services: Basic and Individualized services.
Individualized services and programs are available for children who are determined to need specially designed instruction due to the following conditions: 1.
Individualized services are designed to assist individuals who have barriers to obtaining/retaining employment.
Individualized services plans will demonstrate stability efforts including connection to mainstream services, shared housing, shallow subsidy, connection to affordable housing applications.
Individualized services and supports through the wraparound process: Philosophy and procedures.
County shall research and use other resources before using Individualized services funds.
The ideas suggested were: • Time to permanency for children; • Prevention supports for families before a child protective services assessment is opened; • Foster parent recruitment, support, and retention; • Individualized services for families; and • System accountability.