Examples of Infant care in a sentence
Benefits do not include routine Newborn Infant care and related Physician charges provided on an outpatient basis.
Benefits include Newborn Infant care provided up to 31 days after birth as specified in the Newborn Infant definition.
Family-related benefits include the Infant care fee (see Annex), child care fee (see Annex), and family allowance (Section 4.1).
A brief summary of previous datasets on misinformation evaluation is shown in Table 1; even though some of them are not initially designed for misinformation evaluation, we found that they can be easily used for it.To motivate the misinformation evaluation on LLMs, we propose Chinese benchmARk for misinfor- mation Evaluation in Maternity and Infant care (CARE-MI), a benchmark to test medical-related misinformation of LLMs in Chinese.
You are not allowed to fulfill the practice in facilities focused on rehabilitation, psychiatry and in facilities, which take care of children up to 3 years old (Infant care centers).
Infant Care Items: Infant care items for visitors with infant children will be limited for security reasons.
Infant care practices in New Zealand: a cross-cultural qualitative study.
MIHP childbirth education includes, but is not limited to the following topics: • Pregnancy,• Labor and delivery,• Infant care and feeding,• Postpartum care, and• Family planning.
Infant care section The health care items included in this section were: early skin-to-skin contact (Moore et al., 2012), provision of care for the baby immediately after birth without separation from the mother (Jaafar et al., 2016), the desire to breastfeed (Renfrew et al., 2012), the initiation of breastfeeding as early as possible, no feeding other that breast milk for the newborn infant (Haroon et al., 2013), and keeping the infant with the mother at all times (Jaafar et al., 2016) (see Table1).
Infant care is also expensive ranging from $1,000 to $1,500 per child.