Examples of Initial permit in a sentence
I agree to notify the building department immediately of any additions, deletions, or changes to any of the information that I have provided on this disclosure or in the Initial permit application package.
Initial permit application requirements for Class VI wells are described in 40 CFR 146.82, and submission requirements related to the permit application are listed below.
Initial permit issuances to individual single family dwellings will be coordinated internally within VDH.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Party hereunder may waive any of its/his rights hereunder without obtaining the consent of any other Party.
The maximum value per air contaminant shall not exceed 4,000 tons/year per facility.Section 9.503 Initial Permit Application Fees Initial permit application fees shall be assessed according to the following formulas: (A) Non-part 70 permitsinitial fee = $/ton factor x tons/year predominant air contaminant Provided, however, no initial fee shall be less than $500.