Local provision definition
Examples of Local provision in a sentence
The Head of Service for Local provision has responsibility for the effective engagement of children and young people in service design, delivery and evaluation of youth service.
Local provision associated with industrial development, adult courses, and connections to other skills providers will make sure members of our aspirational community can access the opportunities on offer.
This supports: - Local provision of a range of services, enabling better joint management of patients across services and agencies, with locally accessible specialist care.- Promote different way of working: not current hospital activity in a different place but rather a focus on effective joint care planning across primary care, community services and specialist paediatrics.- Point of contact for families with long term conditions / complex disabilities, including being a focal point for transition.
Local provision will help maintain the viability of our rural neighbourhood.
Local provision needs to better respond to the gap in businesses’ higher level and technical skills needs by ensuring a strong, integrated role for employers in shaping the curriculum.
Local provision in the Solent is delivered through a number of Colleges and Universities, offering a range of courses from a Level 2 Certificate in Warehousing and Storage (via City College Southampton) through to degree level courses in international logistics management (Solent University) and logistics and supply chain analytics (University of Southampton).
Local provision maximises the opportunity to walk to school therefore reducing the need for people using their cars to travel to drop their children off at school from outside of the area.
This section shall be considered cumulative and is not superseding or subject to any other law or provision for same, but shall be an additional remedy available to the Township of Gloucester above and beyond any other State, County or Local provision for the same.
Response – Local provision does exist with en-suite rooms etc, with the acknowledgement that further capacity, choice and resilience needs to be enhanced.
For basic services – such as wells or on-site sanitation – households themselves are the primary investors.28• Capital intensities: The network infrastructure also makes the sector capital intensive, with high-up front investment needs.29• Local provision: Water and sanitation services are usually locally provided, with limited options for wider- scale networks, so that service provision is often set up at the municipal level.