April to March Sample Clauses
April to March. Where no comparable position is available the Employee may exercise bumping rights under Article Employees eligible for Discretionary Days as of August and who maintain their status as Full Time, Regular Part Time, or Part Time, as defined in Article are entitled up to thirty-two (32) hours Discretionary Leave Credits. Full Time Employees Discretionary Leave Credits are awarded for the current fiscal year, on the basis of hours worked per fiscal year. Regular Part Time, and Part Time Employees Discretionary Leave Credits are calculated on a pro-rated basis of hours worked in the previous year according to the following:
April to March. The employer will provide a copy of the performance evaluation to the employee upon request.
April to March. When an employee is elected as an official representative of the Union, a new relationship develops between the employer and the employee that includes the development and maintenance of a harmonious relationship between the parties. The Employer recognizes that all union representatives have an enhanced responsibility to the Union, its members and the Employer. The Employer acknowledges time off work for Union duties will not be construed in performance appraisals as absence from work. The Union will advise the Director Employee Relations of the names and locations of union representatives immediately following their election. If required, the employer will modify, as follows, the work assignments of elected representatives in order to allow them to perform their union duties: redistribution of workload; or the addition of temporary staff; or with the agreement of the employee, transfer to a less sensitive position, with no loss of pay or penalty All requests for leave of absence for union representatives under this Article will be sent to the Director, Employee Relations by a designated representative of Local Following discussion with the employee’s Operating Manager, the Employer will then confirm or deny the request with the designated union representative. The request for leave must be made as far in advance as is practical. The absence will be granted, including reasonable time for travel, subject to work requirements. Permission will not be unreasonably withheld. Union representatives will continue to accrue seniority, credits, and benefits during Union leave except as noted in Article The Union will reimburse the Employer for the salary paid to employees for whom leave is granted for the following. The Employer will grant a leave of absence, for not more than five (5)consecutive days, to each employee delegate to attend union conventions and or union education courses with at least ten (10) working days written notice from the Union. Managers will not be required to grant a leave of absence for more than one person at any one time under this provision. The Employer will consider exceptions, subject to the work requirements, in individual offices. The Employer will, with at least ten (10) working days notice from the Union, grant leave to union representatives for the purpose of conducting the internal business affairs of the Union. Arbitration The Union may designate up to five (5) additional members to participate in negotiation, mediation or int...
April to March. At the time of posting, the Association may also advertise outside the bargaining unit, however bargaining unit applicants will be considered in priority to external candidates. Employees with greater or equal classification are given priority in consideration for temporary vacancies within the block on the basis of seniority. Subsequent or unfilled temporary vacancies will be allocated to the most senior qualified employee within the block who expresses an interest prior to posting outside the block. Casual positions will be filled on the basis of seniority unless specialized qualifications are required. At the request of either the employee or employer, an employee may return to her former or comparable position if, within hours, she is unable to meet the requirements of the position. Should an employee be successfully placed in a vacant position to which another employee has rights under this article; the employee who has been placed in the vacant position will have a waiting period of hours before the new position is considered of a permanent nature. Should the employee or employer exercise their options under this article the employee who was placed in the vacant position will be returned to their former position. Elgin Association for Community Living April to
April to March. An Employee participating in job sharing whom desires a posted Full Time position must apply through the posting provisions of the Collective Agreement when such positions become available. Posted schedules for job shared positions will be identical to the rotation for Full Time positions they replace. The Employee who normally works the Full Time position that is brought forward as a job share arrangement will have the option of determining which portion of the work schedule they will work within five (5) working days of the creation of the shared job, (subject to The remaining hours for the job share position are posted in accordance with the terms of the Collective Agreement (subject to The Employer shall schedule such work and the job sharers shall work in accordance with the posted schedule. In such cases as unforeseeable illness or bereavement, the other job sharer will be called and will endeavour to replace partner for scheduled shifts. For scheduled time off (i.e. vacation) the other job sharer will have the option of of the additional hours; up to the maximum hours of the normal Full Time position, before the hours are offered in accordance with Call In. If the hours are refused, then the scheduled shifts will be offered in accordance with the Collective Agreement. The seniority and service accruals of an Employee participating in a job sharing arrangement shall continue to accrue on a prorated basis to that of a Full Time Employee shall be on hours worked outlined in Collective Agreement. Any conflict or misunderstandingthat may come forward as a result of the implementation of this Job Sharing Agreement will be discussed by both parties to the Job Share Agreement at a meeting. If no Agreement can be reached between the parties, the particularjob sharing arrangement involving specific Employees will revert back to the original full-time position. The Employer or either Employee may discontinue job sharing with sixty (60) calendar days written notice to all parties to the Agreement, or such other notice as may be agreed to by the parties. In such instance Paragraph and herein shall thereupon become applicable with respect to the Employees concerned In the event of a Layoff, is waived and the Employees in a job share arrangement would be immediately returned to their original positions and Layoff would be in accordance to the Employee’s service in their original position prior to the Job Share Agreement and in accordance with the terms of the Coll...
April to March. Any employee other than a probationary employee who is dismissed will be entitled to file a grievance at Step of the grievance procedure provided they do so within twenty (20) days of the date of dismissal.
April to March. During a pregnancy leave a new birth mother may be paid providing the employee:
April to March. An employee shall accrue vacation leave credits at the rate of one and one quarter (1 days per month for each month in which they receive ten (10) days pay. After three (3) years continuous an employee shall accrue vacation credits at the rate of one and one half (1 days per month for each month in which they receive ten (10) days pay. After five (5) years continuous employment, an employee shall accrue vacation credits at the rate of one and two thirds (1 days per month for each month in which they receive ten (10) days pay. After ten continuous employment, an employee shall accrue vacation credits at the rate of two (2) days per month for each month in which they receive ten (10) days pay. An employee may vacation leave with pay at a time suitable to her and the employer. The employer will make every reasonable effort to grant the employee the specific period of time requested by her within two weeks of receiving the request. Vacation leave may be carried over one fiscal year to the next to a maximum five (5) days under this Article. Each employee will be provided at the end of the second pay period in January with notification of their anticipated entitlement to fiscal year end. An employee whose period of vacation leave has been authorized, but due to operational requirements is later denied, shall be reimbursed for any non- refundable deposits she has lost as a result. At the employee's request, the employee shall be granted vacation leave earned but not yet used by her before her employment is terminated. An employee, other than a permanent fill time employee, may receive the cash equivalent of her vacation leave credits instead of taking vacation leave if she wishes.
April to March. When an employee is selected for a full time position with the National Union, the Employer will be advised in writing by the local union. The Employer will grant the employee an unpaid leave of absence for a period of up to one year. An additional year may be granted if requested by the Local. Such permission will not be unreasonably withheld. Leaves to the National Union will be limited to two employees at any one time. Benefits will not be provided during their leave of absence and will be held until the returns to work. Seniority will continue to accumulate up to a maximum of two (2) years. The Employer will be advised three (3) months prior to the expiration of the leave of absence as to whether a years extension on the leave of absence will be requested or whether the person intends to return to work. For leaves of shorter duration, one (1) month’s notice will be given, Upon completion of the leave of absence the person may return to their previous position, Benefits will be reinstated at the current level. If during this leave, the employee’sprevious position is affected by technological organizational change, they will be notified in accordance with Article The actual notice period will not start until the employee completes their term of office.
April to March. XXXX EXECUTED by the parties hereto this of December