Examples of Minor Work in a sentence
PMW means a Permit for Minor Work pursuant to §25-310 of the New York City Administrative Code.
The rules set forth herein permit the LPC staff to issue [Authorizations to Proceed letters ("ATP")] Certificates of No Effect (“CNE”) or Permits for Minor Work (“PMW”) for work that complies with the approved District Master Plan.
An applicant who wishes to change any terms of the COA must receive prior approval from the Historic Preservation Commission, if a Major Work COA, or the Historic Preservation Officer, if a Minor Work COA.
A District Master Plan may be approved by a Certificate of Appropriateness, a Certificate of No Effect on Protected Architectural Features, or a Permit for Minor Work, depending on the work covered by the plan.
If, and to the extent that, ConEd opts to “convert” the 400 MW contract to firm service by purchasing firm transmission service under PJM’s Open Access Transmission Tariff, ConEd will receive congestion credits in the same manner as other firm transmission customers.28 During in-day operations, ConEd will have the option to request real-time modifications from its day-ahead contract schedule.