Novated Policies definition
Examples of Novated Policies in a sentence
The Reinsurer shall be the successor to the Company under the Novated Policies as if the Novated Policies were direct obligations originally issued by the Reinsurer.
The Reinsurer shall be responsible for the handling of, and all costs and expenses, including legal fees, relating to, litigation or other claims under the Novated Policies.
Effective on the respective dates on which the novation of any Reinsured Policy is effective, the Reinsurer shall have sole responsibility for billing and collecting policy loan repayments, interest and the making of payments of dividends in respect of the Novated Policies, subject to the terms of any administrative or other agreements between the parties hereto that have been or heretofore may be entered into and the terms of agreements between the Reinsurer and its agents or subcontractors.
Such Persons shall have the right to file claims or take other actions under the Novated Policies on or after the effective date of such novation directly with the Reinsurer, and shall have a direct right of action for insurance liabilities reinsured thereunder against the Reinsurer, and the Reinsurer hereby consents to be subject to direct action taken by any such Persons under a Novated Policy.
To the extent that such transfers have not already taken place pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Coinsurance Agreement, the Company agrees to cooperate fully with the Reinsurer in the transfer of all books, records, papers or any other documents relating to such Novated Policies.
The consideration provided for in Article IV of the Coinsurance Agreement shall be the consideration for the assumption of the Novated Policies (as direct obligations) by the Reinsurer, and there shall be no additional consideration or premium due or payable under this Assumption Agreement.
Zenith shall be the successor to the Company under the Novated Policies that it assumes as if the Novated Policies were direct obligations originally issued by Zenith.
All Insurance Liabilities for which Zenith shall assume liability hereunder, either as Novated Policies or Quota Share Policies, are subject in all respects to the same written terms, conditions, waivers, modifications, alterations and cancellations as the Insurance Contracts.
The insureds shall file claims arising under the Novated Policies on or after the effective date of such novation directly with Zenith.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Administrator may not seek or implement, as applicable, more than one (1) premium rate increase with respect to the Novated Policies in any state in any period of three (3) calendar years.