OEM Manufacturer definition
Examples of OEM Manufacturer in a sentence
If the OEM, Manufacturer, or Wholesaler Part Number is submitted incorrectly or not submitted, the product offering will not be awarded.
Offeror must ensure the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), Manufacturer Part Number or Wholesaler Number for each product proposed reflects the actual part number assigned.
China Datang Corporation Ltd., a wholly state-owned company established under the laws of the PRC, whose ultimate beneficial owner is the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of the PRC, and is a controlling shareholder of the Company.
This letter should be on the letterhead of the bidder as well as the OEM/ Manufacturer duly signed by an authorized signatory on Information security as per regulatory requirement) Place:Date: To, The Chief General Manager Union Bank of India, Digitization Vertical,10th Floor, Naman Centre, Plot No. C-31,‘G’ Block, BKC, Bandra (E),Mumbai – 400051.
If the OEM, Manufacturer Part Number, or Wholesaler Number is submitted incorrectly or not submitted, the associated product will not be awarded.
The Offeror must ensure that the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), Manufacturer Part Number, or Wholesaler Number for each proposed product reflects the actual number assigned.
MANUFACTURER'S PART NUMBEROfferor must ensure the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), Manufacturer Part Number or Wholesaler Number for each product proposed reflects the actual part number assigned.
This letter should be on the letterhead of the bidder as well as the OEM/ Manufacturer duly signed by an authorized signatory on Information security as per regulatory requirement) Place:Date: To,The General Manager, Union Bank of India,5th floor, Technology Centre,1/1A, Adi Shankaracharya Marg, Opp.
In the case where the OEM Manufacturer does not directly source from the Component Manufacturer, a chain of distributors may be involved.
This letter should be on the letterhead of the bidder as well as the OEM/ Manufacturer duly signed by an authorized signatory on Information security as per regulatory requirement) Place: Date: To,The General Manager, Union Bank of India,5th floor, Technology Centre,1/1A, Adi Shankaracharya Marg, Opp.