Examples of Opioid Settlement Funds in a sentence
Opioid Settlement Funds can be used for a purpose when the Governing Body includes in its budget or passes a separate resolution authorizing the expenditure of a stated amount of Opioid Settlement Funds for that purpose or those purposes during a specified period of time.
This MOA requires that Opioid Settlement Funds be utilized only for future opioid remediation activities, and Parties shall expend Opioid Settlement Funds only for Approved Uses and for expenditures incurred after the effective date of this MOA, unless execution of the National Settlement Agreements requires a later date.
Participating Local Governments may not assign to another entity their rights to receive payments of Opioid Settlement Funds or their responsibilities for funding decisions, except as provided in Section II.L.
Reasonable administrative costs for the State or Local Government to administer its allocation of the Opioid Settlement Funds shall not exceed actual costs, 10% of the relevant allocation of the Opioid Settlement Funds, or any administrative expense limitation imposed by the National Settlement Agreements or Bankruptcy Resolution, whichever is less.
The Parties agree to take all steps necessary to ensure that any Opioid Settlement Funds ready for distribution directly to the State and Participating Local Governments under the National Settlement Agreements or Bankruptcy Resolutions are not actually distributed to the Parties until on or after August 1, 2022, in order to allow the Parties to pursue legislative change that would take effect before the Opioid Settlement Funds are received by the Parties.
The State and Participating Local Governments must collaborate to promote effective use of Opioid Settlement Funds, including through the sharing of expertise, training, and technical assistance.
Every Participating Local Government receiving Opioid Settlement Funds through direct distribution shall create a separate special revenue fund, as described below, that is designated for the receipt and expenditure of Opioid Settlement Funds.
Participating Local Governments may make contracts with or grants to a nonprofit, charity, or other entity with Opioid Settlement Funds.
For Participating Local Governments that have public health departments, the public health departments shall serve as the lead agency and Chief Strategist to identify, collaborate, and respond to local issues as Local Governments decide how to leverage and disburse Opioid Settlement Funds.
Pursuant to the National Settlement Agreements and any Bankruptcy Resolutions, Opioid Settlement Funds shall be distributed directly to the State and directly to Participating Local Governments in such proportions and for such uses as set forth in this MOA, provided Opioid Settlement Funds shall not be considered funds of the State or any Participating Local Government unless and until such time as each annual distribution is made.