Examples of PARAGRAPH FIRST in a sentence
In the case of the Cash Flow statement of the cash flows for the year ended on 31st March, 2012.For R.S. Bansal & Co. Chartered AccountantsFRN:000939C Sd/-Place: Indore (Vijay Bansal)Date: 30th April, 2012 PartnerM.No.075344ANNEXURE TO THE AUDITOR'S REPORT AS REFERRED IN PARAGRAPH FIRST OF OUR REPORT OF EVEN DATE TO THE MEMBERS OFBHATIA INDUSTRIES & INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH 2012.
MINOR CLARIFICATION: PAGE 3-44, SECOND PARAGRAPH, FIRST SENTENCEIn the Upper Salmon River at 3,445 feet in elevation, the average water temperature is 8.0°C (Golder, 1998).
PARAGRAPH FIRST: Notwithstanding the provisions of literal d) of this article, the two (2) additional percentage points indicated there may be reduced in the event that the beneficiaries of the credits pay in advance, and before the third year, the balance owed.
The intuition can be defined as understanding of something so that a nurse can operate without consciously being aware of it (Kozier et al.
May 21,1986 to the JANE BURGIO -------- Secretary of State CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION ------------------------------ of ---- SRI CORPORATION ----------------- Pursuant to N.J.S. 14A:7-15.1(3), SRI CORPORATION, a New Jersey corporation, under its seal and the hands of its President and Secretary, does hereby certify as follows: PARAGRAPH FIRST: The name of the corporation is SRI CORPORATION.