Permitted project definition
Examples of Permitted project in a sentence
Permitted project types include: municipal and industrial waste landfills; construction and demolition waste landfills; coal combustion residue landfills; waste storage facilities; waste processing facilities; recycling and material recovery facilities; transfer stations; composting facilities; incinerator facilities; regional collection centers; land application facilities; and any facility deemed necessary to have a project permit under sanitary disposal project definition.
DeKeseredy (2011) argues that whilst feminist techniques influence large scale studies of abuse in the USA and Canada, it is often wrongly believed that these techniques are largely based in the Marxist view when they actually hold more of a patriarchy stance with two key elements – a structure and an ideology.
This representative has the privileges of the member for that meeting.The GEC chairperson, with the approval of the GEC, appoints new members to fill any vacant position for no more than one semester, in line with the membership requirements set above.
Major Exceedance: Permitted project where unauthorized activity typically exceeds the minor modification/notice of planned change thresholds (For specific thresholds, see 9 VAC 25-210- 180, 9 VAC 25-660-80, 9 VAC 25-670-80, 9 VAC 25-680-80, VAC 25-690-80).
The impact of Covid is already manifesting in higher volumes of paediatric admissions thus potential referrals to PLT.