Plan C definition

Plan C means the provisions detailed in Schedule 3 of Appendix A.
Plan C means Plan C described in Article IV of the Plan.
Plan C means calfhood vaccination without test of any part of the herd

Examples of Plan C in a sentence

  • An employee is eligible for orthodontic services under Plan C after 12 months participation in the plan.

  • An employee is eligible for orthodontic services under Plan C after twelve (12) months’ participation in the plan.

  • The adverse benefit determination or the adverse Internal Appeal determination does not relate to the Claimant’s failure to meet the requirements for eligibility under the terms of the Plan; C.

  • Before incurring unpaid Plan A or Plan C hours all BLT hours must be exhausted.

  • An employee shall incur no break in service due to participating in Plan C.

More Definitions of Plan C

Plan C means the benefits designed for Retirees, their Covered Dependents and/or beneficiaries who are eligible to elect to maintain coverage and who are eligible to receive benefits from the San Diego Electrical Pension Trust.
Plan C means calfhood vaccination without test of any part of the herd and the plan is confined to those herds in which movement of animals is restricted to special permits issued by the department;
Plan C the District will make a seven hundred fifty ($750) dollar contribution each year. 112 LIFE INSURANCE The District shall provide group term life insurance for each member of the bargaining unit in an amount equal to the teacher's annual salary rounded up to the nearest thousand. The policy shall include a double indemnity provision. A teacher has the option to continue District group term life insurance coverage at his/her own expense during a long-term leave of absence. 200 UNPAID LEAVES OF ABSENCE 201 GENERAL PROVISIONS I.
Plan C means the Kid Care CHIP plan that includes children from one hundred fifty-one percent (151%) to two hundred percent (200%) of the federal poverty level.
Plan C. TEN payments of $1,412.50 (includes a $125 service charge), to be automatically withdrawn from your designated bank account beginning in July 2017 and ending in April 2018. Families choosing Plan C need to be enrolled in the FACTS Tuition Management Program by June 1, 2017. Apply to the FACTS program by filling out a contract application on-line. Visit, click Admissions, then Tuition and Financial Aid. The link is located at the bottom of that page.
Plan C means the Shelby County Retirement System Plan C, originally effective September 1, 2005, and shall include all restatements and amendments thereto.
Plan C means the annexed plan so entitled