Primary worksite definition
Examples of Primary worksite in a sentence
The information required by this Section 3.4 shall 154 include the following information except for any information subject to 155 exclusion pursuant to Government Code Section 6254.3(c) 156 • Full name, 157 • Job title, 158 • Department, 159 • Primary worksite, 160 • Hire date, 161 • Work telephone number, 162 • Home address, and 163 • Personal telephone numbers and email addresses on file with the 164 District, if any.
This contact information shall include the following items, with each field in its own column: First Name; Middle initial; Last name; Suffix (e.g. Jr., III); Job title/Classification; Department; Primary worksite name; Work telephone number; Home Street address (incl.
The information shall be provided electronically via a mutually agreeable secure FTP format and shall include the following items, with each field in its own column: First Name; Middle initial; Last name; Xxxxxx (e.g. Jr., Ill); Job Title; Department; Primary worksite name; Work telephone number; Work Extension; Home Street address (incl.
This contact information shall also include the following information, with each filed listed in its own column: First Name; Middle initial; Last name; Suffix (e.g. Jr., III); Job title/Classification; Department; Primary worksite name; Work telephone number; Home Street address (incl.
Primary worksite name; 116 117 118 4.13 119 120 121 122 4.14 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 4.15 130 131 132 133 4.16 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 4.17 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 i.
The information required by this Section 3.7 shall include the 154 following information except for any information subject to exclusion pursuant to 155 Government Code Section 6254.3(c): 156 • Employee identification number; 157 • Full name; 158 • Job title; 159 • Department; 160 • Primary worksite; 161 • FTE value (e.g. 1.00 or 0.75 or similar); 162 • Hire date; 163 • Work telephone number; 164 • Home address; and 165 • Personal email address on file with the District, if any.
The information required by this Section 3.4 shall include the following information except for any information subject to exclusion pursuant to Government Code Section 6254.3(c) • Full name, • Job title, • Department, • Primary worksite, • Hire date, • Work telephone number, • Home address, and • Personal telephone numbers and email addresses on file with the District, if any.
The information shall be provided electronically via a mutually agreeable secure FTP format and shall include the following items, ● First Name; ● Middle Initial; ● Last Name; ● Job Title; ● Department; ● Primary worksite name; ● Work telephone number; ● Home Street address (incl.
While large research and scientific libraries were undoubtedly the main players in the journal pricing crisis, the same forces also squeezed the budgets of smaller college and university libraries, budgets, collections, and needs are very different.
The information required by this Section 3.7 shall include the 170 following information except for any information subject to exclusion pursuant to 171 Government Code Section 6254.3(c): 172 • Employee identification number; 173 • Full name; 174 • Job title; 175 • Department; 176 • Primary worksite; 177 • FTE value (e.g. 1.00 or 0.75 or similar); 178 • Hire date; 179 • Work telephone number; 180 • Home address; and 181 • Personal email address on file with the District, if any.