Prioritised Tranches definition

Prioritised Tranches means one or more Tranches of Notes of the same Series which are issued on the same Issue Date, which provide that the claims of the holders of such Tranche of Notes (and, to the extent applicable, Couponholders and Receiptholders) rank prior (subject to the approval from existing holders of Notes of the same Series), or are subordinated, to the claims of the holders (and to the extent applicable, Couponholders and Receiptholders relating thereto) of another Tranche or Tranches of Notes of the same Series prior to and/or following enforcement of the security over the Charged Property pursuant to Condition 13 (Enforcement) and which may be issued on terms which are otherwise the same as or vary from the terms of other Tranches of Notes of the same Series.
Prioritised Tranches means one or more Tranches of Notes of the same Series which are issued on the same Issue Date, which provide that the claims of the holders of such Tranche of Notes (and, to the extent applicable, Couponholders and Receiptholders) rank prior (subject to the approval from existing holders of Notes of the same Series), or are subordinated, to the claims of the holders (and to the extent applicable, Couponholders and Receiptholders relating thereto) of another Tranche or Tranches of Notes of the same Series prior to and/or following enforcement of the security over the Charged Property pursuant to the Trust Deed and which may be issued on terms which are otherwise the same as or vary from the terms of other Tranches of Notes of the same Series;
Prioritised Tranches means one or more Tranches of Notes of the same Series which provide that the claims of the holders of such Tranche of Notes (and, to the extent applicable, Couponholders) rank prior, or are senior, to the claims of the holders (and to the extent applicable, Couponholders) of another Tranche or Tranches of Notes of the same Series prior to and/or following enforcement of the Security over the Mortgaged Property pursuant to the relevant Supplemental Trust Deed and which may be issued on terms which are otherwise the same as or vary from the terms of other Tranches of Notes of the same Series. Issue Price of Notes: Unless specified otherwise in the Securities Note, 100 percent. Under the Programme, Notes may be issued at theirnominal amount or at a discount or premium to their nominal amount. Form of Notes: The Notes may be issued in bearer form (“Bearer Notes”), or in registered form (“Registered Notes”). Each Tranche of Bearer Notes (other than Rule 144A Notes) will be represented on issue by a temporary Global Note if (i) definitive Notes are to be made available to Noteholders following the expiry of 40 days after their issue date or (ii) such Notes have an initial maturity of more than one year and are being issued in compliance with the D Rules (as defined in “Description of the ProgrammeSelling Restrictions”), otherwise such Tranche will be represented by a permanent Global Note. Registered Notes will be represented by Certificates, one Certificate being issued in respect of each Noteholder’s entire holding of Registered Notes of one Series. A Registered Note held in Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg will be registered in the name of a nominee for a common depositary for Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg. A Registered Note held in DTC will be deposited with a custodian for, and registered in the name of a nominee of, DTC. Certificates representing Registered Notes that are registered in the name of a nominee for one or more clearing systems are referred to as “Global Certificates”. Clearing Systems: Clearstream, Luxembourg, and Euroclear in relation to the Regulation S Notes and/or Rule 144A Notes and/or Rule 144A Global Receipts and DTC in relation to the Rule 144A Notes and Rule 144A Global Receipts only as specified in the relevant Securities Note or, in relation to any Tranche, such other clearing system as may be agreed between the Issuer, the Issuing and Paying Agent, the Trustee, the Irish Stock Exchange (in relation to Notes listed ...

Examples of Prioritised Tranches in a sentence

  • The Supplemental Trust Deed will contain certain provisions relating to meetings, modification, waiver and substitution for Prioritised Tranches.

  • The Securities rank and will rank, unless otherwise specified in the Issue Terms, pari passu without any preference among themselves (except in case of the Prioritised Tranches which will rank pari passu and without preference only among Securities of the same Prioritised Tranche).

  • Support infant and adult vaccination programme including COVID-19 vaccination.

  • The relevant Issuer shall give notice to the Trustee, holders of Securities comprising Prioritised Tranches which are subordinated to any other Prioritised Tranche of the same Series and, if the Securities are rated, the relevant Rating Agency(ies) promptly on redemption (or purchase and cancellation) of all Securities comprised within any such Prioritised Tranche.

  • In the case of Prioritised Tranches of Notes, details of the relationship of the Notes with other Tranches of Notes of the same Series will be set out in full in the Applicable Supplement.

  • In the case of Prioritised Tranches of Notes, details of the Notes’ relationship with other Tranches of Notes of the same Series will be set out in full in the Issue Memorandum.

  • In case of a Series of Securities consisting of Prioritised Tranches, prior to the security granted in respect of such Series becoming enforceable, amounts received by the relevant Issuer in connection with the Charged Assets and/or any Charged Agreements or otherwise shall be distributed amongst the holders of each Prioritised Tranche in the order of priorities set out in the relevant Issue Terms.

  • The Applicable Transaction Terms and the Supplemental Trust Deed relating to any Series of Notes which contains Prioritised Tranches shall specify whether the Trustee is to have regard to the interests or directions of the Holders of one Tranche of Notes over the interests of another Tranche of Notes of the same Series in the event of any conflict of interest.

  • PowersIn the case of a Series of Notes consisting of Prioritised Tranches, separate meetings of the holders of each Tranche shall be convened and held.

  • In the case of a Series of Securities containing Prioritised Tranches, the relevant Issue Terms will state which Prioritised Tranche is most senior.

More Definitions of Prioritised Tranches

Prioritised Tranches means one or more Tranches of Notes of the same Series which provide that the claims of the holders of such Tranche of Notes (and, to the extent applicable, Couponholders) rank prior, or are senior, to the claims of the holders (and to the extent applicable, Couponholders) of another Tranche or Tranches of Notes of the same Series prior to and/or following enforcement of the Security over the Mortgaged Property pursuant to the Trust Deed and which may be issued on terms which are otherwise the same as or vary from the terms of other Tranches of Notes of the same Series. All capitalised terms that are not defined in these Conditions will have the meanings given to them in the Principal Trust Deed and/or the relevant Supplemental Trust Deed and/or the relevant Credit Default Swap(s), the absence of any such meaning indicating that such term is not applicable to the Notes. References in these Conditions to (i) “principal” shall be deemed to include any premium payable in respect of the Notes, Final Redemption Amounts, Early Redemption Amounts, Optional Redemption Amounts and all other amounts in the nature of principal payable pursuant to Condition 7 (Redemption, Purchase and Options) or any amendment or supplement to it and (ii) “interest” shall be deemed to include all Interest Amounts and all other amounts payable pursuant to Condition 6 (Interest and other Calculations) or any amendment or supplement to it.

Related to Prioritised Tranches

  • Extended Tranche has the meaning specified in Section 2.19(a).

  • Available Revolving Commitment as to any Revolving Lender at any time, an amount equal to the excess, if any, of (a) such Lender’s Revolving Commitment then in effect over (b) such Lender’s Revolving Extensions of Credit then outstanding; provided, that in calculating any Lender’s Revolving Extensions of Credit for the purpose of determining such Lender’s Available Revolving Commitment pursuant to Section 2.8(a), the aggregate principal amount of Swingline Loans then outstanding shall be deemed to be zero.

  • Terminating Tranche has the meaning set forth in Section 4.3(b).

  • Extended Revolving Loans has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2.23(a).

  • Extended Revolving Loan shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2.21(e).

  • Extended Loans shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2.21(a).

  • Replacement Revolving Loans shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2.21(l).

  • Replacement Revolving Facility has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 9.02(c)(ii).

  • Existing Revolver Tranche has the meaning set forth in Section 2.16(b).

  • Extended Revolving Commitments has the meaning specified in Section 2.16(2).

  • Extended Revolving Commitment shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2.19(a).

  • Available Unused Commitment means, with respect to a Revolving Facility Lender under any Class of Revolving Facility Commitments at any time, an amount equal to the amount by which (a) the applicable Revolving Facility Commitment of such Revolving Facility Lender at such time exceeds (b) the applicable Revolving Facility Credit Exposure of such Revolving Facility Lender at such time.

  • Incremental Revolving Facility has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2.22(a).

  • Available Revolving Credit Commitment with respect to any Revolving Credit Lender at any time, an amount equal to the excess, if any, of (a) such Lender’s Revolving Credit Commitment then in effect over (b) such Lender’s Revolving Extensions of Credit then outstanding.

  • Impacted Loans has the meaning specified in Section 3.03.