professional currency definition

professional currency means that portion of current professional knowledge and the required training that will enable Civil Aviation Inspectors (CAIs) to maintain the specialized knowledge of civil, commercial, corporate and general aviation operations necessary to meet their job requirements and to maintain the applicable professional qualifications as set out below in section 4.1.
professional currency means that portion of current professional knowledge and the required training that will enable Civil Aviation Inspectors (CAIs) to maintain the specialized knowledge of civil, commercial, corporate and general aviation operations necessary to meet their job requirements and to maintain the applicable professional qualifications as set out below in section 4.1. 2.0 PURPOSE 2.1 This policy sets out the requirements and means for medically unfit Transport Canada (TC) CAIs to maintain their professional currency. 2.2 This policy has been the subject of consultation with the Aircraft Operations Group Association and is being implemented in accordance with Article 46.01(c) of the Agreement, dated January 17, 1990, between the Treasury Board and the Aircraft Operations Group Association. This policy replaces the eligibility requirements to receive Extra Duty Allowance contained in Treasury Board Minute 731660 for CAIs. The amounts of the Extra Duty Allowance continue to be located in paragraph 46.01(a) of that Agreement and are reproduced in Schedule "A" hereto. 3.0 APPLICATION 3.1 This policy applies to all medically unfit CAIs holding full time indeterminate positions, or term positions of greater than one year, with TC. In exceptional circumstances, the Professional Currency Steering Committee may approve the application of this policy to a medically unfit TC CAI occupying a term position of less than one year where the CAI’s manager determines that operational reasons indicate a need for professional currency. 4.0 POLICY 4.1 In order to maintain professional currency and to qualify for the applicable Extra Duty Allowance provided for in the January 17, 1990, Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Aircraft Operations Group Association, a medically unfit TC CAI is required to, at a minimum,

Related to professional currency

  • National Currency means the currency, other than the Euro, of a Participating Member State.

  • Original Currency has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2.17.

  • Optional Currency means a currency (other than the Base Currency) which complies with the conditions set out in Clause 4.3 (Conditions relating to Optional Currencies).

  • National Currency Unit means the unit of currency (other than a euro unit) of a participating member state;

  • Primary Currency has the meaning specified in Section 9.11(c).

  • Other Currency has the meaning specified in Section 1.15.

  • Fiat Currency means a currency issued by a country's government or central bank.

  • Agreed Currency means Dollars or any Alternative Currency, as applicable.

  • Termination Currency means United States Dollars.

  • First Currency has the meaning specified in Section 1.15.

  • Agreed Foreign Currency means, at any time, (i) any of Canadian Dollars, English Pounds Sterling, Euros, Japanese Yen, Australian Dollars, Swiss Franc, Swedish Krona and New Zealand Dollars, and (ii) with the agreement of each Multicurrency Lender, any other Foreign Currency, so long as, in respect of any such specified Foreign Currency or other Foreign Currency, at such time (a) such Foreign Currency is dealt with in the London interbank deposit market, (b) such Foreign Currency is freely transferable and convertible into Dollars in the London foreign exchange market or the relevant local market, if applicable, and (c) no central bank or other governmental authorization in the country of issue of such Foreign Currency (including, in the case of the Euro, any authorization by the European Central Bank) is required to permit use of such Foreign Currency by any Multicurrency Lender for making any Loan hereunder and/or to permit the Borrower to borrow and repay the principal thereof and to pay the interest thereon, unless such authorization has been obtained and is in full force and effect.

  • Base Currency means the first currency in the Currency Pair against which the Client buys or sells the Quote Currency.

  • Applicable Currency means as to any particular payment or Loan, Dollars or the Alternative Currency in which such payment or Loan is denominated or is payable.

  • Virtual currency means a digital representation of value that:

  • Eligible Currency means any currency other than Dollars that is readily available, freely traded, in which deposits are customarily offered to banks in the London interbank market, convertible into Dollars in the international interbank market available to the Lenders in such market and as to which a Dollar Amount may be readily calculated. If, after the designation by the Lenders of any currency as an Agreed Currency, currency control or other exchange regulations are imposed in the country in which such currency is issued, or any other event occurs, in each case with the result that different types of such currency are introduced, such country’s currency is (i) in the determination of the Administrative Agent, no longer readily available or freely traded, or (ii) as to which, in the determination of the Administrative Agent, a Dollar Amount is not readily calculable a “Disqualifying Event”), then the Administrative Agent shall promptly notify the Lenders, the Domestic Borrowers and any applicable Foreign Borrower, and such country’s currency shall no longer be an Agreed Currency until such time as the Disqualifying Event(s) no longer exist, but in any event within five (5) Business Days of receipt of such notice from the Administrative Agent, the Domestic Borrowers or such applicable Foreign Borrower shall repay all Loans in such currency to which the Disqualifying Event applies or convert such Loans into the Dollar Amount of Loans in Dollars, subject to the other terms contained in Article II.

  • Second Currency has the meaning specified in Section 14.19.

  • Domestic Currency means the currency specified as such and any successor currency. If no currency is so specified, the Domestic Currency shall be the lawful currency and any successor currency of (i) the relevant Reference Entity, if the Reference Entity is a Sovereign, or (ii) the jurisdiction in which the relevant Reference Entity is organised, if the Reference Entity is not a Sovereign. In no event shall Domestic Currency include any successor currency if such successor currency is the lawful currency of any of Canada, Japan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or the United States of America or the euro (or any successor currency to any such currency).

  • Alternate Currency means (i) with respect to any Letter of Credit, Canadian Dollars, Euros, Pound Sterling, Swiss Francs, Mexican Pesos, Australian Dollars and any other currency other than Dollars as may be acceptable to the Administrative Agent and the Issuing Bank with respect thereto in their sole discretion and (ii) with respect to any Loan, any currency other than Dollars that is approved in accordance with Section 1.05.

  • Approved Currency means each of Dollars and each Alternate Currency.

  • Obligation Currency shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 11.18(a).

  • Denomination Currency has the meaning specified in Section 14(b).

  • Class Currency means the currency in which a Share Class of a Fund is designated as determined by the Directors and disclosed in the Prospectus in relation to such Fund.

  • Reference Currency means the currency specified as such in the applicable Final Terms.

  • Underlying Currency means the Underlying Currency as specified in § 2 of the Product and Underlying Data.

  • LIBOR Currency means the currency specified on the face hereof as to which LIBOR shall be calculated or, if no currency is specified on the face hereof, United States dollars. “LIBOR Page”

  • Index Currency means USD.