Examples of Program Title in a sentence
The six core programs are— · the Adult Program (Title I of WIOA), · the Dislocated Worker Program (Title I), · the Youth Program (Title I), · the Adult Education and Literacy Program (Title II), · the Wagner-Peyser Act Program (Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended by title III), and · the Vocational Rehabilitation Program (Title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by Title IV).
ANNEX 18 – INDIVIDUAL STREAMLINED ACQUISITION PLAN (ISTRAP) (Classification: If not classified, must be FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.) Acquisition Plan Number: __________ Rev: _______ Program Title: ________________________________________________ ACAT_____ Acquisition Manager: __________________________________________ Code _____ APPROVED BY: ______________________________________________________________ ____________ [insert typed name of the Approving Official (include title).
ANNEX 20 – INDIVIDUAL STREAMLINED ACQUISITION PLAN WITH SERVICES (ISTRAP-M) (Classification: UNCLASSIFIED/FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) Acquisition Plan Number: __________ Rev: _______ Program Title: ________________________________________________ ACAT_____ Acquisition Manager: __________________________________________ Code _____ APPROVED BY: ______________________________________________________________ ____________ [insert typed name of the Approving Official (include title).
A report with the results and assessment based on the approved Evaluation Monitoring Program [Title 27, § 20425(b)].
If the Discharger determines that there is a significant physical evidence of a release, the Discharger shall immediately verbally notify Central Valley Water Board staff and provide written notification by certified mail within 7 days of such determination, and within 90 days shall submit an amended report of waste discharge to establish an Evaluation Monitoring Program [Title 27, § 20385(a)(3) and § 20420(l)(1) & (2)].
Funds of $800,000 collected under the Child Support Enforcement Program (Title IV-D) which are state funds shall be remitted to the State Treasurer and credited to the General Fund of the State.
The federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) provides funding directly to states through its Title II Formula Grants Program (Title II) to support state and local delinquency prevention, intervention efforts and juvenile justice system improvements.
The Broward County Business Opportunity Act of 2012 and the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 26 establish the County’s policies for participation by Small Business Enterprises (SBE), County Business Enterprises (CBE), and Federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE’s) in County contracts.
If applicable, the Assistance Listing Program Title is N/A and Assistance Listing Number is N/A.
State Funds: Program Title: Local Road and Bridge Matching Grant Fund (I.C. § 8-23-30).