Publisher Content definition
Examples of Publisher Content in a sentence
Kaltura will make reasonable efforts to provide Licensee with prior notice before removing Publisher Content, but reserves the right to remove allegedly infringing Publisher Content without prior notice to Licensee in the event that Kaltura is unable to reach Licensee’s contact of record.
Licensee acknowledges and agrees that Xxxxxxx does not screen or review Publisher Content on the Hosted Services to determine whether it contains false or defamatory material, or material that is infringing, inaccurate, misleading, offensive, indecent, objectionable, or invasive of another’s privacy or publicity rights.
Under no circumstances will Kaltura be liable in any way for any Publisher Content, including, but not limited to, any defamation, falsehoods, errors or omissions associated with such Publisher Content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use or publication of any such content posted, delivered, emailed or otherwise transmitted via the Hosted Services.
If notified that such content infringes on any third party’s intellectual property rights, Xxxxxxx may remove the allegedly infringing Publisher Content from the Hosted Services.