Railway Operation definition
Examples of Railway Operation in a sentence
The Licensee shall at all times adhere to all provisions of the Metro Railway (Operation And Maintenance) Act, 2002 and amendments thereto and shall also comply with all notices and circulars issued by Maha-Metro in this regard.
The process of the implementation of Directive 2004/49/EC into the national legislation of the Czech Republic was completed on 1st July 2006 by Act 266/1994 Coll., on Railways, as amended, and the subsequent issue of implementing Decree 376/2006 Coll., on the System of Safe Railway Operation and Railway Transport Operation and Procedures Following Railway Accidents and Incidents.
Licensee shall at all times adhere to all provisions of the Metro Railway (Operation And Maintenance) Act, 2002 and amendments thereto and shall also comply with all notices and circulars issued by Maha-Metro in this regard.
As per Amendment to Metro Railway (Operation and Maintenance) Act 2009, Indian Railways have been unambiguously given the responsibility of technical planning and safety of Metro Systems being implemented in India.
This procedure is pursuant to Article 64, Item 2, of the Railway Operation Act.