reasonably practicable means practicable having regard to-
As low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA) means making every reasonable effort to maintain exposures to radiation as far below the dose limits in these regulations as is practical, consistent with the purpose for which the licensed or registered activity is undertaken, taking into account the state of technology, the economics of improvements in relation to state of technology, the economics of improvements in relation to benefits to the public health and safety, and other societal and socioeconomic considerations, and in relation to utilization of nuclear energy and licensed or registered sources of radiation in the public interest.
Unreasonably impracticable means that the measures necessary to comply with the regulations require such a high investment of risk, money, time, or any other resource or asset that the operation of a marijuana establishment is not worthy of being carried out in practice by a reasonably prudent businessperson.
REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING Means base flood waters will not inundate the land or damage structures to be removed from the floodplain and that any subsurface waters related to the base flood will not damage existing or proposed buildings.
professional diligence means the standard of skill and care that a Member would be reasonably expected to exercise towards a Client, commensurate with-
Reasonable in these circumstances means ‘using no more force than is needed’. The use of force may involve either passive physical contact, such as standing between pupils or blocking a pupil’s path, or active physical contact such as leading a pupil by the arm out of the classroom.
Due Diligence means examinations, inspections, investigations, tests, studies, analyses, appraisals, evaluations and/or investigations with respect to the Property, the Documents, and other information and documents regarding the Property, including, without limitation, examination and review of title matters, applicable land use and zoning Laws and other Laws applicable to the Property, the physical condition of the Property, and the economic status of the Property.
On-going Due Diligence means regular monitoring of transactions in accounts to ensure that they are consistent with the customers’ profile and source of funds.
Reasonably available means able to be contacted by a procurement organization without undue effort and willing and able to act in a timely manner consistent with existing medical criteria necessary for the making of an anatomical gift.
Reasonable and Prudent Operator means a Person seeking in good faith to perform its contractual obligations, and in so doing, and in the general conduct of its undertaking, exercising that degree of skill, diligence, prudence and foresight which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected from a skilled and experienced operator engaged in the same type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances and conditions.
Reasonable and Customary means, in relation to a charge for Medical Service, such level which does not exceed the general range of charges being charged by the relevant service providers in the locality where the charge is incurred for similar treatment, services or supplies to individuals with similar conditions, e.g. of the same sex and similar Age, for a similar Disability, as reasonably determined by the Company in utmost good faith. The Reasonable and Customary charges shall not in any event exceed the actual charges incurred.
Cooperation shall refer to those provisions set forth below in Paragraphs 41–42 of this Agreement and Paragraphs 1–9 in Appendix A.
Reasonable and prudent parent standard means the standard characterized by careful and sensible parental decisions that maintain the health, safety, and best interests of a child while at the same time encourage the emotional and developmental growth of the child, that a caregiver shall use when determining whether to allow a child in foster care under the responsibility of the state to participate in extracurricular, enrichment, cultural, and social activities. For the purposes of this definition, “caregiver” means a foster parent with whom a child in foster care has been placed or a designated official for a child care institution (including group homes, residential treatment, shelters, or other congregate care settings) in which a child in foster care has been placed.
Reasonable assurance means a high degree of confidence that submitted data and statements are valid.
Reasonable Steps means those steps the Receiving Party takes to protect its own similar proprietary and confidential information, which must not be less than a reasonable standard of care.
Reasonable Best Efforts means best efforts, to the extent commercially reasonable.
Investigations The Xxxxxxx, when requested by one or a number of employees whom he/she represents, may investigate the basis for any dispute arising under this Agreement and may, at any stage, assist the employee(s) in seeking resolution of such dispute through the grievance procedure provided herein. A staff representative of the Union may substitute in place of the Xxxxxxx at the third step (Agency Head) or sooner if the agency is represented by other than the supervisor or intermediate supervisor. The Union may substitute a Union staff person in place of the Xxxxxxx if the Xxxxxxx is not available.
Reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim.
Reasonable Expenses means the reasonable expenses of Employees or Personnel, as the case may be, for which those Employees or Personnel may be reimbursed under the Operator’s usual expense account practice, as accepted by the Management Committee; including without limiting generality, any relocation expenses necessarily incurred in order to properly staff the Mining Operations if the relocation is approved by the Management Committee.
Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) means the lowest emission limit that a particular source is capable of meeting by the application of control technology that is reasonably available considering technological and economic feasibility. It may require technology that has been applied to similar, but not necessarily identical source categories.
Reasonable grounds means that a reasonable person in your position would also suspect the information indicates misconduct or a breach of the law.
Reasonable Commercial Efforts means, with respect to the applicable obligation of the Company, reasonable commercial efforts for similarly situated, publicly-traded companies.
Internal appeal means an internal appeal to the relevant authority in terms of section 74;
best practicable environmental option means the option that provides the most benefit or causes the least damage to the environment as a whole, at a cost acceptable to society, in the long term as well as in the short term;
Reasonable Costs means the reasonable actual costs and expenses incurred by us in carrying out any further Audit under this Contract, including, but not limited to, reasonable travel and subsistence costs;
Reasonable cost means a cost for a service or item that is consistent with the market standards for comparable services or items.