Examples of Resource Consents in a sentence
The storage ring consists of several magnets, which constrain an electron or positron beam to move in a circular path.
User/Applicant Benefit: Individuals and groups applying for Resource Consents requiring monitoring are direct beneficiaries of this service.
The Council holds comprehensive Resource Consents for the maintenance of this flood protection scheme.
The Shareholder acknowledges that the Scheme Management Plan is an essential element for the continuity of the Resource Consents held by the Company and must be complied with in all material respects.
Pipelines, manholes, pumping stations and treatment plants are renewed as necessary and as funding allows.Compliance with Resource Consents is also monitored and includes reporting to Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.
The Shareholder also agrees and covenants to comply with all Resource Consent conditions contained in Resource Consents held by MHV Water Limited including any consent to discharge contaminants to land and the requirements for reduction in Nitrogen losses.
Issues can include, but are not limited to Resource Management Act requirements (Resource Consents), flooding and land stability, public infrastructure etc.Effective from February 2010 Project Information Memoranda became voluntary, however Kāpiti Coast District Council’s Building Team recommends their continued use.A Project Information Memoranda, or PIM, is a report provided by the Council about a specific building proposal on a specific site.
The following Resource Consents, relevant to the design, have been obtained: In accordance with the resource consent/s, environmental controls relating to this particular design will be outlined in the Contract Quality Plan.
This applies to all sites, regardless of whether Building or Resource Consents have been granted or not.
The Contractor shall obtain any additional Resource Consents necessary as a consequence of his selected method of work.