Review of the Agreement Sample Clauses

Review of the Agreement. Any amendment or review of this Agreement shall be by agreement in writing and in compliance with section 7.5 of the Act.
Review of the Agreement. Representatives of the Contracting Parties shall, whenever necessary, hold meetings in order to review the implementation of this Agreement. These meetings shall be held on the proposal of one of the Contracting Parties at a place and at a time agreed upon through diplomatic channels.
Review of the Agreement. Each party acknowledges that it has had time to review this agreement and, as desired, consult with counsel. In the interpretation of this agreement, no adverse presumption shall be made against any party on the basis that it has prepared, or participated in the preparation of, this agreement.
Review of the Agreement. The VCCS will designate officials who will be responsible for all aspects of the GAA at the VCCS. RU will designate individuals responsible for all aspects of the GAA at RU. Representing RU will be the Vice Xxxxxxx for Academic Affairs. Representing the VCCS will be the VCCS Vice Chancellor for Academic Services and Research and the VCCS Director of Educational Policy, in consultation with the Articulation Subcommittee of the Academic and Student Affairs Council.
Review of the Agreement. In accordance with clause E23 of the IGA FFR, this Agreement is time limited. To assess the degree to which the agreed objectives, outcomes and outputs have been achieved, a review of the Agreement will be scheduled to be completed approximately 12 months prior to its expiry.
Review of the Agreement. The Agreement is reviewed by the Compliance Function on a regular basis and at least once a year. The Company will update the Agreement whenever necessary. Updates may occur in case of:
Review of the Agreement. The parties agree to review the terms of this agreement in accordance with s.15(3) of the Act within four weeks of a request by one of the councils made in writing to the council delegated responsibility to service the Agreement.
Review of the Agreement. 4.1 The Parties acknowledge that many of the provisions of this Agreement replicate the provisions of the NPCC Collaboration Agreement and that the terms of the NPCC Collaboration Agreement will be reviewed within the first 6 months of that NPCC Collaboration Agreement having been entered to. It is agreed by the Parties that the terms of this Agreement shall be reviewed at the same time as the terms of the NPCC Collaboration Agreement are reviewed and that the Parties may seek any amendments to the terms of this Agreement by raising any proposed amendments with the NPoCC Governance Board. If any amendments are made to the NPCC Collaboration Agreement, then to the extent that similar provisions are included within the terms of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be amended to reflect the terms of the NPCC Collaboration Agreement (as amended.) 4.2 The Parties agree that this Agreement shall be reviewed by NPoCC Governance Board or such other third party organisation as the Parties agree on a date no later than 3 years after the Effective Date and thereafter on at least 3 yearly intervals in order to establish whether any amendments are required to the NPoCC governance structure, what the funding requirement and structure will be for the subsequent three years, any other terms of this Agreement and to assess the viability of NPoCC following which any appropriate and agreed amendments shall be made to this Agreement in accordance with clause 4.7. 4.3 Subject to clause 4.5, the Parties shall be entitled to propose a variation to the Agreement by presenting a proposal to the NPoCC Governance Board for consideration with appropriate information to allow a variation to be properly considered. 4.4 The Parties shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that there is continuous improvement and review of functions to be carried out by NPoCC to ensure that the objectives of this Agreement can be achieved. 4.5 The Parties acknowledge and agree that this Agreement will need to be managed flexibly from time to time (without making changes to the terms of this Agreement) in accordance with the governance structure to accommodate changing demands, the practical requirements of NPoCC and the way in which NPoCC needs to operate on a day to day basis in order to fulfil its functions. The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement may also need to be amended from time to time to reflect the requirements of the NPCC who shall be able to direct and control NPoCC. 4.6 The terms o...
Review of the Agreement. Any changes, additions, or deletions to this agreement shall be made only after consultation with and agreement among officials at both institutions.